Travel Recommendation between Florence to Bergamo

Isikhathi sokufunda: 5 imizuzu

Kugcine ukubuyekezwa ngo-Agasti 26, 2021

Isigaba: I-Italy


Imizwelo echaza ukuhamba kwezitimela umbono wethu kunjalo: .️


  1. Travel information about Florence and Bergamo
  2. I-Expedition ngemininingwane
  3. Location of Florence city
  4. High view of Florence Campo Di Marte train Station
  5. Imephu yedolobha laseBergamo
  6. Sky view of Bergamo train Station
  7. Map of the road between Florence and Bergamo
  8. ulwazi oluvamile
  9. Igridi

Travel information about Florence and Bergamo

Siseshe i-inthanethi ukuthola izindlela ezingcono zokuhamba ngezitimela phakathi kwalezi 2 amadolobha, Florence, and Bergamo and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Florence Campo Di Marte and Bergamo station.

Travelling between Florence and Bergamo is an superb experience, njengoba womabili amadolobha enezindawo zokubukisa ezingakhohlwayo nezinto zokubuka.

I-Expedition ngemininingwane
Inani Eliphansi€29.58
Inani eliphakeme kakhulu€31.9
Ukonga phakathi Kwemali Ephakeme Nencane yezitimela7.27%
Inani lezitimela ngosuku24
Isitimela sakuqala01:03
Isitimela sakamuva20:12
Ibanga330 km
Isikhathi sokuhamba seMedianKusukela 3h23m
Isuka IndawoFlorence Campo Di Marte
Indawo yokufikaIsiteshi saseBergamo
Incazelo yedokhumentiI-elekthronikhi
Itholakala nsuku zonke✔️

Florence Campo Di Marte Railway station

Njengesinyathelo esilandelayo, kufanele u-ode ithikithi lesitimela lohambo lwakho, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Florence Campo Di Marte, Isiteshi saseBergamo:

I-Save A Train startup itholakala e-Netherlands
Ibhizinisi leVirail liseNetherlands
Ibhizinisi le-B-Europe litholakala eBelgium
isitimela kuphela
Ukuqala kwesitimela kuphela okutholakala eBelgium

Florence is a lovely place to visit so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from I-Tripadvisor

Florence, capital of Italy’s Tuscany region, is home to many masterpieces of Renaissance art and architecture. One of its most iconic sights is the Duomo, a cathedral with a terracotta-tiled dome engineered by Brunelleschi and a bell tower by Giotto. The Galleria dell’Accademia displays Michelangelo’s “David” sculpture. The Uffizi Gallery exhibits Botticelli’s “The Birth of Venus” and da Vinci’s “Annunciation.”

Location of Florence city from I-google maps

Sky view of Florence Campo Di Marte train Station

Bergamo Railway station

futhi ngaphezu kwalokho mayelana neBergamo, futhi sinqume ukulanda ku-Tripadvisor njengesayithi elifanele kakhulu nelithembekile lolwazi mayelana nento okumele uyenze ku-Bergamo oya kuyo..

I-DescrizioneBergamo è una città della Lombardia nord-est eMilano. La zona più antica, i-chiamata Città Alta e caratterizzata da strade lastricate, ospita il Duomo della città; è circondata dalle mura veneziane ed è accessibile con la funicolare. I-Qui si trovano anche la basilica romanica ka-Santa Maria Maggiore kanye ne-imponente Cappella Colleoni, con affreschi settecenteschi di Tiepolo.

Map of Bergamo city from Google Maps

Sky view of Bergamo train Station

Map of the terrain between Florence to Bergamo

Ibanga lokuhamba ngesitimela liyi 330 km

Currency used in Florence is Euro – €

Imali yase-Italy

Currency used in Bergamo is Euro – €

Imali yase-Italy

Electricity that works in Florence is 230V

Electricity that works in Bergamo is 230V

I-EducateTravel Grid Yamawebhusayithi Amathikithi Amathikithi

Bheka Igridi Yethu ukuze uthole Izinkundla Zokuhamba Zezitimela Zobuchwepheshe eziphezulu.

Senza amaphuzu amathemba ngokususelwe kuzibuyekezo, amaphuzu, ubulula, ukusebenza, isivinini nezinye izici ngaphandle kokuchema kanye nedatha eqoqwe kubasebenzisi, kanye nolwazi oluvela emithonjeni eku-inthanethi kanye nezinkundla zokuxhumana. Ndawonye, lawa maphuzu afakwe kumephu kuGridi yethu yobunikazi noma igrafu, ongazisebenzisa ukuze uqhathanise izinketho, lula inqubo yokuthenga, futhi uhlonze ngokushesha imikhiqizo ehamba phambili.

  • i-saveatrain
  • igciwane
  • b-eYurophu
  • isitimela kuphela

Ubukhona Bemakethe


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Florence to Bergamo, futhi sethemba ukuthi imininingwane yethu izokusiza ekuhleleni uhambo lwakho lwesitimela futhi wenze izinqumo ezihlakaniphile, Kujabulele


Sawubona igama lami ngingu-Ernest, kusukela ngisemncane ngangingumhloli ngibona amazwekazi ngowami umbono, Ngixoxa indaba ethokozisayo, Ngiyethemba ukuthi uyithandile indaba yami, zizwe ukhululekile ukungithumelela i-imeyili

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