Travel Recommendation between Arezzo to Pontedera

Isikhathi sokufunda: 5 imizuzu

Kugcine ukubuyekezwa ngo-Agasti 22, 2021

Isigaba: I-Italy


Imizwelo echaza ukuhamba kwezitimela umbono wethu kunjalo: 🚌


  1. Travel information about Arezzo and Pontedera
  2. I-Expedition ngemininingwane
  3. Location of Arezzo city
  4. High view of Arezzo train Station
  5. Map of Pontedera city
  6. Sky view of Pontedera Casciana Terme train Station
  7. Map of the road between Arezzo and Pontedera
  8. ulwazi oluvamile
  9. Igridi

Travel information about Arezzo and Pontedera

Siseshe i-inthanethi ukuthola izindlela ezingcono zokuhamba ngezitimela phakathi kwalezi 2 amadolobha, Arezzo, and Pontedera and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Arezzo station and Pontedera Casciana Terme.

Travelling between Arezzo and Pontedera is an superb experience, njengoba womabili amadolobha enezindawo zokubukisa ezingakhohlwayo nezinto zokubuka.

I-Expedition ngemininingwane
Inani Eliphansi€13.97
Inani eliphakeme kakhulu€13.97
Ukonga phakathi Kwemali Ephakeme Nencane yezitimela0%
Inani lezitimela ngosuku15
Isitimela sakuqala07:35
Isitimela sakamuva16:08
Ibanga135 km
Isikhathi sokuhamba seMedianKusukela 1h42m
Isuka IndawoArezzo Station
Indawo yokufikaPontedera Casciana Terme
Incazelo yedokhumentiI-elekthronikhi
Itholakala nsuku zonke✔️

Arezzo Railway station

Njengesinyathelo esilandelayo, kufanele u-ode ithikithi lesitimela lohambo lwakho, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Arezzo station, Pontedera Casciana Terme:

Inkampani iSave A Train izinze eNetherlands
Inkampani yaseVirail izinze eNetherlands
Ibhizinisi le-B-Europe litholakala eBelgium
isitimela kuphela
Inkampani yezitimela kuphela ezinze eBelgium

Arezzo is a lovely place to visit so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Google

DescrizioneArezzo è una città italiana della Toscana orientale. La Cattedrale di Arezzo, sulla sommità del colle dove sorge la città, ha soffitti a volta dipinti e ospita un affresco del XV secolo di Piero della Francesca raffigurante Maria Maddalena. Nella cappella della vicina Basilica di San Francesco si trovano altri affreschi di Piero della Francesca. La Basilica di San Domenico ospita il Crocifisso di Santa Croce, dipinto da Cimabue nel XIII secolo. L’imponente Fortezza Medicea offre una splendida vista sulla città.

Map of Arezzo city from I-google maps

Sky view of Arezzo train Station

Pontedera Casciana Terme Train station

and also about Pontedera, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Pontedera that you travel to.

DescrizionePontedera è un comune italiano di 29 676 abitanti della provincia di Pisa situato 22 km a est del capoluogo.

Map of Pontedera city from Google Maps

High view of Pontedera Casciana Terme train Station

Map of the travel between Arezzo and Pontedera

Ibanga lokuhamba ngesitimela liyi 135 km

Money accepted in Arezzo are Euro – €

Imali yase-Italy

Bills accepted in Pontedera are Euro – €

Imali yase-Italy

Electricity that works in Arezzo is 230V

Power that works in Pontedera is 230V

I-EducateTravel Grid Yezinkundla Zamathikithi Esitimela

Bheka Igridi Yethu ukuze uthole amawebhusayithi aphezulu Wokuhamba Ngesitimela.

Sithola amaphuzu ngokusekelwe kuzibuyekezo, ukusebenza, isivinini, ubulula, amaphuzu nezinye izici ngaphandle kokubandlulula kanye namafomu avela kumakhasimende, kanye nolwazi oluvela emithonjeni eku-inthanethi nasezinkundleni zokuxhumana. Kuhlanganiswe, lawa maphuzu afakwe kumephu kuGridi yethu yobunikazi noma igrafu, ongazisebenzisa ukulinganisa izinketho, thuthukisa inqubo yokuthenga, futhi ubone ngokushesha izinketho eziphezulu.

Ubukhona Bemakethe


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Arezzo to Pontedera, futhi sithemba ukuthi ulwazi lwethu luzokusiza ekuhleleni uhambo lwakho lwesitimela nokwenza izinqumo ezifundisiwe, Kujabulele


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