Travel Recommendation between Oslo to Bergen

Waktos Maca: 5 menit

Panungtungan diropéa Agustus 27, 2021

Kategori: Walanda, Norwégia

Pangarang: BILL HOLDEN

Émosi anu ngahartikeun perjalanan karéta mangrupikeun pandangan kami nyaéta: 🌇


  1. Travel information about Oslo and Bergen
  2. Lalampahan ku inohong
  3. Location of Oslo city
  4. High view of Oslo train Station
  5. Map of Bergen city
  6. Sky view of Bergen train Station
  7. Map of the road between Oslo and Bergen
  8. Inpormasi umum
  9. Grid

Travel information about Oslo and Bergen

Kami milarian internét pikeun milarian cara anu pangsaéna pikeun ngarambat ku karéta di antara ieu 2 kota-kota, Oslo, and Bergen and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Oslo Central Station and Bergen station.

Travelling between Oslo and Bergen is an superb experience, sabab duanana kota ngagaduhan tempat-tempat sareng tempat wisata anu berkesan.

Lalampahan ku inohong
Biaya panghandapna€ 39,81
Biaya maksimum€ 39,81
Bédana antara harga karéta High sareng Low0%
Frékuénsi karéta26
Karéta pangheulana03:28
karéta panganyarna22:35
Jarak463 mil (746 km)
Diperkirakeun waktos PerjalananTi 9h 40m
Lokasi miangOslo Central Station
Lokasi anjogBergen Station
Jenis tikétPDF

Oslo Rail station

Salaku léngkah salajengna, anjeun kedah mesen tikét karéta pikeun perjalanan anjeun, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Oslo Central Station, Bergen station:

Perusahaan Save A Train dumasarkeun di Walanda
Perusahaan Virail dumasarkeun di Belanda
Pausahaan B-Europe dumasar di Bélgia
ngan karéta
Ngan bisnis karéta lokasina di Bélgia

Oslo is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have collected from Google

Oslo, the capital of Norway, sits on the country’s southern coast at the head of the Oslofjord. It’s known for its green spaces and museums. Many of these are on the Bygdøy Peninsula, including the waterside Norwegian Maritime Museum and the Viking Ship Museum, with Viking ships from the 9th century. The Holmenkollbakken is a ski-jumping hill with panoramic views of the fjord. It also has a ski museum.

Location of Oslo city from Google Maps

Sky view of Oslo train Station

Bergen Rail station

and also about Bergen, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Bergen that you travel to.

Bergen is a municipality and a town in the Netherlands, di propinsi Holland Kalér. Its North Sea beaches make it a popular destination for tourists.

Location of Bergen city from Google Maps

High view of Bergen train Station

Map of the trip between Oslo to Bergen

Jarak perjalanan ku karéta téh 463 mil (746 km)

Money accepted in Oslo are Norwegian KroneNOK

Norway currency

Bills accepted in Bergen are Euro – €

mata uang Walanda

Power that works in Oslo is 230V

Power that works in Bergen is 230V

EducateTravel Grid pikeun Train Ticketing Platform

Pilarian di dieu Grid kami pikeun situs wéb Travel Train Téhnologi anu paling luhur.

Urang nyitak calon dumasar kana kesederhanaan, pintonan, ulasan, laju, skor jeung faktor séjén tanpa bias sarta ogé dikumpulkeun ti pamaké, ogé inpormasi tina sumber online sareng jaringan sosial. Babarengan, skor ieu dipetakeun dina Grid atanapi Graph proprietary kami, nu bisa Anjeun pake pikeun ngabandingkeun pilihan, streamline prosés dibeuli, sarta gancang ngaidentipikasi produk pangalusna.

Ayana Pasar


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Oslo to Bergen, sareng kami ngarepkeun inpormasi kami bakal ngabantosan anjeun dina ngarencanakeun perjalanan karéta anjeun sareng nyandak kaputusan anu langkung bijaksana, sing senang-senang


Salam nami abdi Bill, Kantos saprak kuring orok kuring ngalamun kuring ngajajah dunya ku panon kuring sorangan, Abdi nyarioskeun carita anu saé, Kuring miharep anjeun resep sudut pandang kuring, ngarasa Luncat pesen kuring

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