Travel Recommendation between Naples to Tropea

Nguva yekuverenga: 5 maminetsi

Yakapedzisira Kugadziridzwa muna Nyamavhuvhu 27, 2021

Category: Itari


Manzwiro anotsanangura kufamba kwechitima ndiwo maonero edu: 🚆

Zviri mukati:

  1. Travel information about Naples and Tropea
  2. Rwendo nemashoko
  3. Nzvimbo yeguta reNaples
  4. Nzvimbo yepamusoro yeNaples chitima Chiteshi
  5. Map of Tropea city
  6. Sky view of Tropea train Station
  7. Map of the road between Naples and Tropea
  8. General information
  9. Grid

Travel information about Naples and Tropea

We googled ari paIndaneti kuwana mhedziso yakanakisisa nzira kuenda nezvitima kubva izvi 2 maguta, Naples, and Tropea and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Naples Central Station and Tropea station.

Travelling between Naples and Tropea is an amazing experience, sezvo maguta ese ari maviri asingakanganwike show-nzvimbo uye zvinotyisa.

Rwendo nemashoko
Minimum Price€20.06
Maximum Mutengo€24.57
Musiyano pakati High uye Low zvitima Price18.36%
Zvitima Frequency14
Chitima chekutanga23:05
Chitima chekupedzisira18:14
Distance426 km
Avhareji yenguva yeRwendoFrom 4h 18m
Kubva pachiteshiNaples Central Station
Kusvika StationTropea Station
Rudzi rwetikitiE-Tiketi
Chitima Kirasi1st/2nd

Naples Rail station

Sechinhanho chinotevera, unofanirwa kuhodha tikiti rekufamba kwako nechitima, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Naples Central Station, Tropea station:

Sevha A Chitima kambani iri muNetherlands
Virail bhizinesi iri muNetherlands
B-Europe kambani inogara muBelgium
Kambani yechitima chete inogara muBelgium

Naples is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Tripadvisor

Naples, guta riri kumaodzanyemba kweItaly, anogara paBay of Naples. Pedyo neGomo reVesuvius, gomo rinoputika richiri kushanda iro rakaparadza guta reRoma riri pedyo rePompeii. Kufambidzana kusvika 2nd millennium BC, Naples ine mazana emakore ehunyanzvi akakosha uye zvivakwa. Cathedral yeguta, iyo Duomo di San Gennaro, izere nemafrescoes. Mamwe makuru makuru anosanganisira inoyevedza Royal Palace uye Castel Nuovo, nhare yezana remakore rechi13.

Nzvimbo yeguta reNaples kubva Google Mepu

Nzvimbo yepamusoro yeNaples chitima Chiteshi

Tropea Train station

and also about Tropea, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Tropea that you travel to.

Tropea is a small town on the east coast of Calabria, in southern Italy. It’s known for its clifftop historic center, beaches and prized red onions. Built on a former Byzantine cemetery, the 12th-century cathedral has marble sarcophagi and a painting of the Madonna of Romania, the town’s protector. Nearby is a viewpoint over the hills. The centuries-old Santa Maria dell’Isola Church is on a rock overlooking the sea.

Map of Tropea city from Google Maps

High view of Tropea train Station

Map of the terrain between Naples to Tropea

Yese daro nechitima iri 426 km

Mari inoshandiswa muNaples iEuro – €

Italy mari

Currency used in Tropea is Euro – €

Italy mari

Magetsi anoshanda muNaples ari 230V

Power that works in Tropea is 230V

DzidzisaTravel Grid yeChitima Matikiti Mawebhusaiti

Tarisa Grid Yedu yepamusoro Tekinoroji Chitima Kufamba Mapuratifomu.

Isu tinopa tarisiro zvichienderana nekureruka, performances, speed, wongororo, zvibodzwa uye zvimwe zvinhu pasina rusaruro uye zvakare akaunganidza data kubva kuvashandisi, pamwe chete neruzivo kubva ku online sources uye social platforms. Pamwe chete, zvibodzwa izvi zvakaiswa mepu pane yedu proprietary Grid kana Girafu, iyo yaunogona kushandisa kuenzanisa sarudzo, gadzirisa nzira yekutenga, uye nekukurumidza kuziva zvakanakisa sarudzo.

  • saveatrain
  • utachiona
  • b-Europe
  • onlytrain

Kuvapo Kwemusika


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Naples to Tropea, uye isu tinovimba kuti ruzivo rwedu ruchakubatsira pakuronga rwendo rwako rwechitima uye kuita sarudzo dzakangwara, Nakidzwa


Kwaziwai zita rangu ndinonzi Derrick, kubva ndichiri mucheche ndaiva muongorori ndinoongorora pasi rose nemaonero angu, Ndinotaura nyaya yakanaka, Ndinovimba kuti wakada nyaya yangu, sunungukai kunditumira meseji

Iwe unogona kusaina pano kuti ugamuchire mazano nezve mafambiro mazano kutenderera pasirese

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