Travel Recommendation between Lobbes to Brussels Schuman

Irakurketa Ordua: 5 minutu

Azken eguneratzea ekainean 3, 2022

Kategoria: Belgika


Trenaren bidaia definitzen duten emozioak dira gure iritzia: 🚆


  1. Travel information about Lobbes and Brussels Schuman
  2. Bidaia zifren arabera
  3. Location of Lobbes city
  4. High view of Lobbes station
  5. Map of Brussels Schuman city
  6. Sky view of Brussels Schuman station
  7. Map of the road between Lobbes and Brussels Schuman
  8. Informazio orokorra
  9. Sarea

Travel information about Lobbes and Brussels Schuman

Lineako Google bidez bilatu genuen tren hauetatik joateko modurik onenak aurkitzeko 2 hiriak, Lobbes, and Brussels Schuman and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Lobbes station and Brussels Schuman station.

Travelling between Lobbes and Brussels Schuman is an amazing experience, bi hiriek ikuskizun eta leku gogoangarriak baitituzte.

Bidaia zifren arabera
Distantzia68 km
Bidaiaren denboraren mediana1 h 31 min
Irteerako lekuaLobbes Station
Helmuga LekuaBrussels Schuman Station
Dokumentuaren deskribapenaElektroniko
Egunero eskuragarri✔️

Lobbes Railway station

Hurrengo urrats gisa, bidaiarako txartela trenez eskatu behar duzu, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Lobbes station, Brussels Schuman station:

Save A Train negozioa Herbehereak dago
Virail negozioa Herbeheretan dago
B-Europe startup-a Belgikan dago
bakarrik trena
Tren abiarazte bakarra Belgikan dago

Lobbes is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Google

Lobbes is a Walloon municipality located in the Belgian province of Hainaut. On 1 Urtarrila 2006 Lobbes had a total population of 5,499. Eremu osoa da 32.08 km² horrek biztanleriaren dentsitatea ematen du 171 biztanle km² bakoitzeko.

Location of Lobbes city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Lobbes station

Brussels Schuman Train station

and additionally about Brussels Schuman, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Brussels Schuman that you travel to.

The City of Brussels (frantsesa: Ville de Bruxelles [vil də bʁysɛl] or alternatively Bruxelles-Ville [bʁysɛl vil]; holandarra: Stad Brussel [stɑd ˈbrʏsəl] or Brussel-Stad) is the largest municipality and historical centre of the Brussels-Capital Region, as well as the capital of Belgium. It is also the administrative centre of the European Union, and is thus often dubbed, along with the region, the EU’s capital city.

Map of Brussels Schuman city from Google Maps

High view of Brussels Schuman station

Map of the road between Lobbes and Brussels Schuman

Trenez egindako distantzia totala da 68 km

Money used in Lobbes is Euro – €

Belgikako moneta

Money used in Brussels Schuman is Euro – €

Belgikako moneta

Electricity that works in Lobbes is 230V

Electricity that works in Brussels Schuman is 230V

Tren-txartelen webguneetarako EducateTravel Grid

Begiratu Gure Sarea Tren Teknologikoen Bidaiatzeko Plataforma nagusienetarako.

Hautagaiak sinpletasunean oinarrituta puntuatzen ditugu, emanaldiak, abiadura, puntuazioak, iritziak eta alborapenik gabeko beste faktore batzuk eta erabiltzaileengandik ere bilduak, baita sareko iturrietako eta sare sozialetako informazioa ere. Elkarrekin, puntuazio hauek gure jabedun Grid edo Graph-en mapatzen dira, aukerak alderatzeko erabil dezakezuna, erosketa prozesua arintzea, eta azkar identifikatu produktu onenak.

Merkatuaren Presentzia


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Lobbes to Brussels Schuman, eta gure informazioak zure tren bidaia planifikatzen eta erabakiak hartzen lagunduko dizula espero dugu, ondo pasa


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