Kugcine ukubuyekezwa ngo-Agasti 27, 2021
Isigaba: I-ItalyUmbhali: BRYAN FITZPATRICK
Imizwelo echaza ukuhamba kwezitimela umbono wethu kunjalo: 🚆
- Travel information about Dervio and Milan
- Uhambo ngezibalo
- Location of Dervio city
- High view of Dervio train Station
- Imephu yedolobha laseMilan
- Ukubuka kwesibhakabhaka kwesiteshi sesitimela saseMilan
- Map of the road between Dervio and Milan
- ulwazi oluvamile
- Igridi
Travel information about Dervio and Milan
Senze ama-inthanethi ku-inthanethi ukuthola izindlela ezihamba phambili zezitimela ezivela kulezi 2 amadolobha, Dervio, and Milan and we saw that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Dervio station and Milan Central Station.
Travelling between Dervio and Milan is an amazing experience, njengoba womabili amadolobha enezindawo zokubukisa ezingakhohlwayo nezinto zokubuka.
Uhambo ngezibalo
Izindleko Eziphansi | €7.06 |
Izindleko eziphezulu | €7.06 |
Umehluko phakathi kwenani lezitimela eziphakeme neziphansi | 0% |
Izitimela Frequency | 17 |
Isitimela sokuqala | 05:20 |
Isitimela sokugcina | 22:22 |
Ibanga | 82 km |
Isikhathi Sohambo esilinganiselwe | Kusukela ngo 1h9m |
Isuka esiteshini | Dervio Station |
Isiteshi sokufika | Isiteshi saseMilan Central |
Uhlobo lwethikithi | |
Ukugijima | Yebo |
Ikilasi Lesitimela | 1st/2 |
Dervio Train station
Njengesinyathelo esilandelayo, kufanele u-oda ithikithi lokuhamba kwakho ngesitimela, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Dervio station, Isiteshi saseMilan Central:
1. Saveatrain.com
2. Virail.com
3. B-europe.com
4. Kuphelatrain.com
Dervio is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have gathered from Google
Dervio is a comune in the Province of Lecco in the Italian region Lombardy, located on the eastern shore of Lake Como, mayelana 70 amakhilomitha enyakatho yeMilan futhi cishe 25 amakhilomitha enyakatho-ntshonalanga yeLecco. It is located on a peninsula with same name on the Lake Como, at the mouth of the Varrone river Valley.
Location of Dervio city from I-google maps
Bird’s eye view of Dervio train Station
Isiteshi sesitimela saseMilan
futhi ngaphezu kwalokho mayelana neMilan, futhi sinqume ukulanda ku-Wikipedia njengesizinda sayo esibaluleke kakhulu nesithembekile solwazi mayelana nezinto ongazenza e-Milan oya kuyo..
Milan, idolobha elikhulu esifundeni sase-Italy esisenyakatho yeLombardy, iyinhloko-dolobha yomhlaba wonke yemfashini nokuklama. Ikhaya le-national stock exchange, iyisikhungo sezezimali futhi saziwa ngezindawo zokudlela ezisezingeni eliphezulu nezitolo. I-Gothic Duomo di Milano cathedral kanye ne-Santa Maria delle Grazie convent, Iqukethe umdwebo kaLeonardo da Vinci othi “Isidlo Sakusihlwa Sokugcina,” kufakazela ubuciko namasiko amakhulu eminyaka.
Indawo yedolobha laseMilan kusukela ku-Google Amamephu
Bird’s eye view of Milan train Station
Map of the trip between Dervio to Milan
Ibanga lokuhamba ngesitimela liyi 82 km
Bills accepted in Dervio are Euro – €
Izikweletu ezamukelwa eMilan ziyi-Euro – €
Voltage that works in Dervio is 230V
I-Voltage esebenza eMilan ingu-230V
I-EducateTravel Grid Yamawebhusayithi Amathikithi Amathikithi
Thola lapha Igridi Yethu Yezixazululo Zokuhamba Zesitimela Ezobuchwepheshe.
Senza amaphuzu amathemba ngokusekelwe ekululameni, ukubuyekezwa, ukusebenza, amaphuzu, isivinini nezinye izici ngaphandle kokuchema kanye nedatha eqoqwe kubasebenzisi, kanye nolwazi oluvela emithonjeni eku-inthanethi nasezinkundleni zokuxhumana. Ndawonye, lawa maphuzu afakwe kumephu kuGridi yethu yobunikazi noma igrafu, ongazisebenzisa ukuze uqhathanise izinketho, lula inqubo yokuthenga, futhi uhlonze ngokushesha izinketho ezingcono kakhulu.
Ubukhona Bemakethe
Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Dervio to Milan, futhi sithemba ukuthi ulwazi lwethu luzokusiza ekuhleleni uhambo lwakho lwesitimela nokwenza izinqumo ezifundisiwe, Kujabulele
Sawubona igama lami nginguBryan, kusukela ngisemncane ngangihlukile ngibona amazwekazi ngowami umbono, Ngixoxa indaba ethokozisayo, Ngethemba ukuthi uwathandile amazwi nezithombe zami, zizwe ukhululekile ukungithumelela i-imeyili
Ungabeka imininingwane lapha ukuthola iziphakamiso mayelana nezinketho zokuhamba emhlabeni wonke