Travel Recommendation between Brescia to Lecce

Isikhathi sokufunda: 5 imizuzu

Kugcine ukubuyekezwa ngo-Agasti 26, 2021

Isigaba: I-Italy


Imizwelo echaza ukuhamba kwezitimela umbono wethu kunjalo: 🚌


  1. Travel information about Brescia and Lecce
  2. Uhambo ngezibalo
  3. Location of Brescia city
  4. High view of Brescia train Station
  5. Map of Lecce city
  6. Sky view of Lecce train Station
  7. Map of the road between Brescia and Lecce
  8. ulwazi oluvamile
  9. Igridi

Travel information about Brescia and Lecce

Senze ama-inthanethi ku-inthanethi ukuthola izindlela ezihamba phambili zezitimela ezivela kulezi 2 amadolobha, I-Brescia, and Lecce and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Brescia and Lecce station.

Travelling between Brescia and Lecce is an amazing experience, njengoba womabili amadolobha enezindawo zokubukisa ezingakhohlwayo nezinto zokubuka.

Uhambo ngezibalo
Izindleko Eziphansi€42.13
Izindleko eziphezulu€64.46
Umehluko phakathi kwenani lezitimela eziphakeme neziphansi34.64%
Izitimela Frequency53
Isitimela sakuqala05:42
Isitimela sakamuva20:28
Ibanga1011 km
Isikhathi Sohambo esilinganiselweFrom 9h 18m
Isuka IndawoI-Brescia
Indawo yokufikaLecce Station
Uhlobo lwethikithiPDF

Brescia Train station

Njengesinyathelo esilandelayo, kufanele u-oda ithikithi lokuhamba kwakho ngesitimela, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Brescia, Lecce station:

Inkampani iSave A Train izinze eNetherlands
Inkampani yaseVirail izinze eNetherlands
Ibhizinisi le-B-Europe litholakala eBelgium
isitimela kuphela
Ukuqala kwesitimela kuphela okuzinze eBelgium

Brescia is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Google

DescrizioneBrescia è un comune italian di 194 990 izakhamuzi, I-capoluogo dell'omanima provincia in Lombardia. È il secondo comune della regione per popolazione, uMilano.

Imephu ye-Brescia idolobha kusuka I-google maps

Sky view of Brescia train Station

Lecce Train station

and also about Lecce, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Lecce that you travel to.

DescrizioneLecce è una città della Puglia nota per gli edifici in stile barocco. Nella centrale piazza del Duomo, si trova la Cattedrale di Lecce con una doppia facciata e un campanile. La Basilica di Santa Croce è caratterizzata da sculture e un rosone. Nelle vicinanze si trovano la Colonna di Sant’Oronzo, di epoca romana, che sulla sommità ospita la statua di bronzo del patrono della città, e l’anfiteatro romano, sotto il livello stradale.

Map of Lecce city from Google Maps

High view of Lecce train Station

Map of the travel between Brescia and Lecce

Ibanga lokuhamba ngesitimela liyi 1011 km

Bills accepted in Brescia are Euro – €

Imali yase-Italy

Money used in Lecce is Euro – €

Imali yase-Italy

Voltage that works in Brescia is 230V

Electricity that works in Lecce is 230V

I-EducateTravel Grid Yezinkundla Zamathikithi Esitimela

Thola lapha Igridi Yethu Yezixazululo Zokuhamba Zesitimela Ezobuchwepheshe.

Sikora amathemba ngokusekelwe ekusebenzeni, ukubuyekezwa, isivinini, amaphuzu, ubulula nezinye izici ngaphandle kokuchema kanye nedatha eqoqwe kubasebenzisi, kanye nolwazi oluvela emithonjeni eku-inthanethi nasezinkundleni zokuxhumana. Ndawonye, lawa maphuzu afakwe kumephu kuGridi yethu yobunikazi noma igrafu, ongazisebenzisa ukuze uqhathanise izinketho, lula inqubo yokuthenga, futhi uhlonze ngokushesha izinketho ezingcono kakhulu.

  • i-saveatrain
  • igciwane
  • b-eYurophu
  • isitimela kuphela

Ubukhona Bemakethe


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Brescia to Lecce, futhi sithemba ukuthi ulwazi lwethu luzokusiza ekuhleleni uhambo lwakho lwesitimela nokwenza izinqumo ezifundisiwe, Kujabulele


Ngiyabingelela igama lami nginguNeil, kusukela ngisemncane ngangiwumhloli ngihlola umhlaba ngowami umbono, Ngixoxa indaba emnandi, Ngiyethemba ukuthi uyithandile indaba yami, ukhululeke ukungithumelela umlayezo

Ungabhalisa lapha ukuze uthole izindatshana zebhulogi mayelana namathuba okuvakasha emhlabeni jikelele

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