Travel Recommendation between Roeselare to Haren

Ixesha lokuFunda: 5 imizuzu

Igqityelwe ukuhlaziywa ngo-Agasti 24, 2021

Udidi: Bheljiyam, elamaDatshi


Iimvakalelo ezichaza ukuhamba koololiwe yindlela yethu yokujonga: 🚆


  1. Travel information about Roeselare and Haren
  2. Uhambo ngeenkcukacha
  3. Location of Roeselare city
  4. High view of Roeselare train Station
  5. Map of Haren city
  6. Sky view of Haren BE train Station
  7. Map of the road between Roeselare and Haren
  8. Iinkcukacha zajikelele
  9. Igridi

Travel information about Roeselare and Haren

Siphendle iwebhu ukufumana ezona ndlela zingcono zokuhamba ngololiwe phakathi kwezi 2 izixeko, Roeselare, and Haren and we figures that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Roeselare station and Haren BE.

Travelling between Roeselare and Haren is an superb experience, njengoko zombini izixeko zineendawo ezikhunjulwayo zokubonisa kunye neendawo.

Uhambo ngeenkcukacha
Isixa esisezantsi€18,8
Ixabiso eliphezulu€18,8
Ukonga phakathi koBuninzi kunye noBuncinane bokuHamba koololiwe0%
Isixa sikaloliwe ngosuku15
Uloliwe wokuqala07:16
Uloliwe wamva nje20:44
Umgama420 km
Ixesha leMedi lokuHambaFrom 1h 48m
Ukusuka kwindawoRoeselare Station
Indawo yokufikaHaren Be
Inkcazo yoxwebhuElectronic
Ifumaneka yonke imihla✔️

Roeselare Train station

Njengenyathelo elilandelayo, Kuya kufuneka uodole itikiti likaloliwe lokuhamba kwakho, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Roeselare station, Haren BE:

Gcina ishishini loQeqesho lifumaneka eNetherlands
Isiqalo seVirail siseNetherlands
Isiqalo seB-Europe siseBelgium
kuphela uqeqesho
Kuqalwa ngololiwe kuphela eBelgium

Roeselare is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Wikipedia

Roeselare is a Belgian city and municipality in the Flemish province of West Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Roeselare proper and the towns of Beveren, Oekene and Rumbeke. The name of the city is derived from two Germanic words meaningreed” kwaye “open space”, i.e., a marsh in a forest glade.

Location of Roeselare city from iimaphu zikagoogle

Sky view of Roeselare train Station

Haren BE Rail station

and also about Haren, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Haren that you travel to.

Haren is a town and a former municipality in the northeastern Netherlands located in the direct urban area of the City of Groningen.
Haren is a typical commuting municipality with many wealthy inhabitants. It lies on the northern part of a ridge of sand called the Hondsrug.

Location of Haren city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Haren BE train Station

Map of the travel between Roeselare and Haren

Umgama wokuhamba ngololiwe 420 km

Currency used in Roeselare is Euro – €

Imali yaseBelgium

Money used in Haren is Euro – €

Imali yaseNetherlands

Power that works in Roeselare is 230V

Electricity that works in Haren is 230V

Fundisa iTravel Grid yeeWebhusayithi zamatikiti kaloliwe

Jonga iGridi yethu kwiiPlatifomu zokuHamba zeTekhnoloji eziphezulu.

Sifaka amanqaku amanqanaba ngokusekelwe kwisantya, ukulula, uphononongo, imiboniso, amanqaku kunye nezinye izinto ngaphandle komkhethe kunye neefom ezivela kubathengi, kunye nolwazi oluvela kwimithombo ye-intanethi kunye namaqonga oluntu. Idityanisiwe, la manqaku enziwe kwimaphu yethu yobunini Igridi okanye iGrafu, onokuzisebenzisa ukulinganisa iinketho, ukuphucula inkqubo yokuthenga, kwaye ngokukhawuleza ubone iinketho eziphezulu.

Ubukho beMarike

  • saveatrain
  • intsholongwane
  • b-yaseYurophu
  • kuphela uqeqesho


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Roeselare to Haren, kwaye siyathemba ukuba ulwazi lwethu kuya kukunceda ekucwangciseni uhambo lwakho ngololiwe kwaye wenze izigqibo zobulumko, Yonwaba


Ndiyabulisa igama lam nguAntonio, oko ndiselusana ndingumhambi ndihlola iglowubhu ngombono wam, Ndibalisa ibali elimnandi, Ndiyathemba ukuba ulithandile ibali lam, zive ukhululekile ukundithumelela umyalezo

Ungasayina apha ukuze ufumane iingcebiso malunga nemibono yokuhamba kwihlabathi liphela

Joyina incwadana yethu