Oxirgi yangilangan avgust 27, 2021
Turkum: Niderlandiya, NorvegiyaMuallif: BILL HOLDEN
Poezdda sayohat qilishni aniqlaydigan hissiyotlar bizning qarashimizdir: 🌇
- Travel information about Oslo and Bergen
- Raqamlar bo'yicha sayohat
- Location of Oslo city
- High view of Oslo train Station
- Map of Bergen city
- Sky view of Bergen train Station
- Map of the road between Oslo and Bergen
- Umumiy ma'lumot
- To‘r

Travel information about Oslo and Bergen
Biz bular orasida poezdlarda sayohat qilishning eng yaxshi usullarini topish uchun internetni qidirdik 2 shaharlar, Oslo, and Bergen and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Oslo Central Station and Bergen station.
Travelling between Oslo and Bergen is an superb experience, chunki ikkala shaharda ham unutilmas ko'rgazma joylari va diqqatga sazovor joylari mavjud.
Raqamlar bo'yicha sayohat
Eng past narx | 39,81 evro |
Maksimal xarajat | 39,81 evro |
Yuqori va past poezdlar narxi o'rtasidagi farq | 0% |
Poyezdlar chastotasi | 26 |
Eng qadimgi poyezd | 03:28 |
Eng so'nggi poezd | 22:35 |
Masofa | 463 milya (746 km) |
Taxminiy sayohat vaqti | 9:40 dan |
Ketish joyi | Oslo Central Station |
Keladigan joy | Bergen Station |
Chipta turi | |
Yugurish | Ha |
Darajalar | 1st/2 |
Oslo Rail station
Keyingi qadam sifatida, sayohat qilish uchun poezd chiptasini buyurtma qilishingiz kerak, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Oslo Central Station, Bergen station:
1. Saveatrain.com

2. Virail.com

3. B-europe.com

4. onlytrain.com

Oslo is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have collected from Google
Oslo, the capital of Norway, sits on the country’s southern coast at the head of the Oslofjord. It’s known for its green spaces and museums. Many of these are on the Bygdøy Peninsula, including the waterside Norwegian Maritime Museum and the Viking Ship Museum, with Viking ships from the 9th century. The Holmenkollbakken is a ski-jumping hill with panoramic views of the fjord. It also has a ski museum.
Location of Oslo city from Google xaritalari
Sky view of Oslo train Station
Bergen Rail station
and also about Bergen, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Bergen that you travel to.
Bergen is a municipality and a town in the Netherlands, Shimoliy Gollandiya provinsiyasida. Its North Sea beaches make it a popular destination for tourists.
Location of Bergen city from Google Maps
High view of Bergen train Station
Map of the trip between Oslo to Bergen
Poezdda sayohat masofasi 463 milya (746 km)
Money accepted in Oslo are Norwegian Krone – NOK

Bills accepted in Bergen are Euro – €

Power that works in Oslo is 230V
Power that works in Bergen is 230V
Poyezd chiptalarini sotish platformalari uchun EducateTravel Grid
Texnologik poyezdlar bo‘yicha sayohatlar bo‘yicha eng yaxshi veb-saytlar uchun bizning tarmog‘imizni shu yerda toping.
Biz nomzodlarni oddiylik asosida baholaymiz, spektakllar, sharhlar, tezlik, ballar va boshqa omillar, shuningdek, foydalanuvchilar tomonidan to'plangan, shuningdek, onlayn manbalar va ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan olingan ma'lumotlar. Birga, bu ballar bizning xususiy Grid yoki Grafikda ko'rsatilgan, variantlarni solishtirish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin, sotib olish jarayonini soddalashtirish, va eng yaxshi mahsulotlarni tezda aniqlang.
Bozor mavjudligi
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Oslo to Bergen, va umid qilamizki, bizning ma'lumotlarimiz sizga poezd safarini rejalashtirishda va oqilona qarorlar qabul qilishda yordam beradi, maza qiling

Salom mening ismim Bill, Men go'dakligimdan xayolparast edim, men o'z ko'zim bilan dunyoni kashf etaman, Men yoqimli hikoya aytib beraman, Mening nuqtai nazarim sizga yoqdi degan umiddaman, bemalol menga xabar bering
Dunyo bo'ylab sayohat g'oyalari haqida takliflar olish uchun bu erda ro'yxatdan o'tishingiz mumkin