Travel Recommendation between Le Havre to Rouen

O'qish vaqti: 5 daqiqa

Sentyabrda oxirgi yangilangan 25, 2021

Turkum: Fransiya


Poezdda sayohat qilishni aniqlaydigan hissiyotlar bizning qarashimizdir: 🚌


  1. Travel information about Le Havre and Rouen
  2. Raqamlar bo'yicha sayohat qiling
  3. Location of Le Havre city
  4. High view of Le Havre train Station
  5. Map of Rouen city
  6. Rouen Rive Droite poezd stantsiyasining osmon ko'rinishi
  7. Map of the road between Le Havre and Rouen
  8. Umumiy ma'lumot
  9. To‘r
Le Havre

Travel information about Le Havre and Rouen

Biz bular orasida poezdlarda sayohat qilishning eng yaxshi usullarini topish uchun internetni qidirdik 2 shaharlar, Le Havre, and Rouen and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Le Havre and Rouen Rive Droite.

Travelling between Le Havre and Rouen is an superb experience, chunki ikkala shaharda ham unutilmas ko'rgazma joylari va diqqatga sazovor joylari mavjud.

Raqamlar bo'yicha sayohat qiling
Baza yaratish5,29 evro
Eng yuqori tarif€10.15
Maksimal va minimal poyezdlar narxi o‘rtasidagi tejamkorlik47.88%
Kuniga poyezdlar soni22
Ertalabki poezd05:07
Kechki poyezd20:02
Masofa91 km
Standart sayohat vaqti48 m dan
Ketish joyiLe Havre
Ketish joyiRouen Rive Droite
Hujjat tavsifiMobil
Har kuni mavjud✔️

Le Havre Rail station

Keyingi qadam sifatida, sayohat qilish uchun poezd chiptasini buyurtma qilishingiz kerak, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Le Havre, Rouen Rive Droite:

Save A Train startapi Niderlandiyada joylashgan
Virail biznesi Gollandiyada joylashgan
B-Europe biznesi Belgiyada joylashgan
faqat poyezd
Faqatgina poezd kompaniyasi Belgiyada joylashgan

Le Havre is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Tripadvisor

Le Havre is a major port in northern France’s Normandy region, where the Seine River meets the English Channel. It’s joined to the city across the estuary, Honfleur, by the Pont de Normandie cable-stayed bridge. Following WWII, Le Havre’s heavily damaged city center was famously redesigned by Belgian architect Auguste Perret. Today it features many landmark examples of reinforced-concrete architecture.

Location of Le Havre city from Google xaritalari

Bird’s eye view of Le Havre train Station

Rouen Rive Droite Train station

and additionally about Rouen, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Rouen that you travel to.

Rouen, Normandiya poytaxti, Frantsiya shimolidagi mintaqa, est une ville portuaire sur la Seine. Importante cité au temps des Romains yoki Moyen-Âge, elle possède des églises gothiques, comme Saint-Maclou et Saint-Ouen, ainsi qu'un center piéton aux ruelles pavées, doté de maisons médiévales à colombages. La ligne d'horizon est dominée par les flèches de la cathédrale Notre-Dame, de nombreuses fois représentée par le peintre impressionniste Klod Mone.

Rouen shahrining xaritasi Google xaritalari

Bird’s eye view of Rouen Rive Droite train Station

Map of the trip between Le Havre to Rouen

Poezdda sayohat masofasi 91 km

Bills accepted in Le Havre are Euro – €

Frantsiya valyutasi

Ruanda ishlatiladigan pul evro – €

Frantsiya valyutasi

Electricity that works in Le Havre is 230V

Ruanda ishlaydigan quvvat 230V ni tashkil qiladi

Poyezd chiptalarini sotish platformalari uchun EducateTravel Grid

Texnologik poyezdlar uchun eng yaxshi sayohat platformalari uchun bizning tarmoqimizni ko'rib chiqing.

Biz nomzodlarni oddiylik asosida baholaymiz, tezlik, ball, spektakllar, sharhlar va boshqa omillar, shuningdek, foydalanuvchilardan to'plangan, shuningdek, onlayn manbalar va ijtimoiy tarmoqlardan olingan ma'lumotlar. Birga, bu ballar bizning xususiy Grid yoki Grafikda ko'rsatilgan, variantlarni solishtirish uchun foydalanishingiz mumkin, sotib olish jarayonini soddalashtirish, va eng yaxshi mahsulotlarni tezda aniqlang.

  • tejamkorlik
  • virail
  • b-evropa
  • faqat poyezd

Bozor mavjudligi


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Le Havre to Rouen, va umid qilamizki, bizning ma'lumotlarimiz sizga poezd safarini rejalashtirishda va oqilona qarorlar qabul qilishda yordam beradi, maza qiling


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