Travel Recommendation between Villa San Giovanni to Salerno

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Last Updated on October 1, 2021

Category: Italy


Emotions that define train travel is our view are: 🚌


  1. Travel information about Villa San Giovanni and Salerno
  2. Trip by the numbers
  3. Location of Villa San Giovanni city
  4. High view of Villa San Giovanni station
  5. Map of Salerno city
  6. Sky view of Salerno station
  7. Map of the road between Villa San Giovanni and Salerno
  8. General information
  9. Grid
Villa San Giovanni

Travel information about Villa San Giovanni and Salerno

We searched the web to find the best ways to travel by trains between these 2 cities, Villa San Giovanni, and Salerno and we figures that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Villa San Giovanni station and Salerno station.

Travelling between Villa San Giovanni and Salerno is an superb experience, as both cities have memorable show-places and sights.

Trip by the numbers
Lowest Cost€13.55
Maximum Cost€26.48
Difference between the High and Low trains Price48.83%
Trains Frequency21
Earliest train00:05
Latest train23:00
Distance430 km
Estimated Journey timeFrom 3h 14m
Departing LocationVilla San Giovanni Station
Arriving LocationSalerno Station
Ticket typePDF

Villa San Giovanni Rail station

As the next step, you have to order a train ticket for your travel, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Villa San Giovanni station, Salerno station:

Save A Train startup is based in The Netherlands
Virail business is located in The Netherlands
B-Europe business is located in Belgium
Only train company is based in Belgium

Villa San Giovanni is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have gathered from Google

Villa San Giovanni is a port city and a municipality in the metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria, in the Calabria region of Italy. In 2010 its population was 13,747 with a decrease of 2.5% until 2016 and in 2020 an increase of 3.7%.

Map of Villa San Giovanni city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Villa San Giovanni station

Salerno Rail station

and also about Salerno, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Salerno that you travel to.

DescrizioneSalerno è una città portuale a sud-est di Napoli. Sulla sommità del Monte Bonadies, l’antico Castello di Arechi regala scorci marini, oltre a ospitare un museo di ceramica e monete medievali. La Cattedrale cittadina sorge sui resti di un tempio romano. I suo tratti distintivi solo i portali bizantini in bronzo, una cripta barocca e un altare in marmo. Presso il Giardino terrazzato della Minerva si coltivano piante medicinali fin dal XIV secolo.

Location of Salerno city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Salerno station

Map of the travel between Villa San Giovanni and Salerno

Total distance by train is 430 km

Money accepted in Villa San Giovanni are Euro – €

Italy currency

Currency used in Salerno is Euro – €

Italy currency

Power that works in Villa San Giovanni is 230V

Power that works in Salerno is 230V

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Market Presence

  • saveatrain
  • virail
  • b-europe
  • onlytrain


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Villa San Giovanni to Salerno, and we hope that our information will help you in planning your train trip and making wiser decisions, have fun


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