Panungtungan diropéa dina Séptémber 10, 2021
Kategori: ItaliPangarang: RONNIE KENNEDY
Émosi anu ngahartikeun perjalanan karéta mangrupikeun pandangan kami nyaéta: 🌅
- Travel information about Turin and Porto
- Lalampahan ku angka
- Lokasi kota Turin
- High view of Turin Porta Nuova train Station
- Map of Porto city
- Sky view of Porto Recanati train Station
- Map of the road between Turin and Porto
- Inpormasi umum
- Grid
Travel information about Turin and Porto
Urang googled web pikeun manggihan cara pangalusna mutlak pikeun indit ku karéta ti ieu 2 kota-kota, Turin, and Porto and we saw that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Turin Porta Nuova and Porto Recanati.
Travelling between Turin and Porto is an amazing experience, sabab duanana kota ngagaduhan tempat-tempat sareng tempat wisata anu berkesan.
Lalampahan ku angka
Biaya panghandapna | €33.45 |
Biaya maksimum | €33.45 |
Bédana antara harga karéta High sareng Low | 0% |
Frékuénsi karéta | 16 |
Karéta pangheulana | 05:50 |
karéta panganyarna | 21:25 |
Jarak | 565 km |
Diperkirakeun waktos Perjalanan | From 4h 58m |
Lokasi miang | Turin Porta Nuova |
Lokasi anjog | Porto Recanati |
Jenis tikét | |
Lumpat | Sumuhun |
Tingkatan | 1st / 2nd / Usaha |
Stasion karéta Turin Porta Nuova
Salaku léngkah salajengna, anjeun kedah mesen tikét pikeun perjalanan anjeun ku karéta, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Turin Porta Nuova, Porto Recanati:
Turin is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Wikipedia
Turin nyaéta ibukota Piedmont di Italia kalér, dipikawanoh pikeun arsitektur refined sarta masakan. Alps naék ka kalér-kuloneun kota. Wangunan baroque anu megah sareng kafe kuno ngajajar di boulevards Turin sareng alun-alun ageung sapertos Piazza Castello sareng Piazza San Carlo.. Dayeuh Nu Caket nyaeta spire soaring tina Mole Antonelliana, munara abad ka-19 perumahan Museum Bioskop Nasional interaktif.
Harita kota Turin ti Google Maps
High view of Turin Porta Nuova train Station
Porto Recanati Train station
and also about Porto, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Porto that you travel to.
Porto Torres (Sassarese: Posthudorra, Sardinian: Portu Turre) is a comune and a city of the Province of Sassari in north-west of Sardinia, Itali. Founded during the 1st century BC as Colonia Iulia Turris Libisonis, it was the first Roman colony of the entire island. It is situated on the coast at about 25 kilométer (16 abdi) east of Capo del Falcone and in the center of the Gulf of Asinara. The port of Porto Torres is the second biggest seaport of the island, followed by the port of Olbia. The town is very close to the main city of Sassari, where the local university takes office.
Map of Porto city from Google Maps
High view of Porto Recanati train Station
Map of the trip between Turin to Porto
Jarak perjalanan ku karéta téh 565 km
Money accepted in Turin are Euro – €
Currency used in Porto is Euro – €
Voltage that works in Turin is 230V
Power that works in Porto is 230V
EducateTravel Grid pikeun Train Ticketing Platform
Parios Grid Kami pikeun Platform Perjalanan Karéta Téknologi anu paling luhur.
Urang skor rankers dumasar kana kesederhanaan, laju, skor, ulasan, pintonan sarta faktor séjén tanpa prasangka sarta ogé ngabentuk ti klien, ogé inpormasi tina sumber online sareng situs wéb sosial. Dihijikeun, skor ieu dipetakeun dina Grid atanapi Graph proprietary kami, nu bisa Anjeun pake pikeun nyaimbangkeun pilihan, ningkatkeun prosés pameseran, tur gancang ningali solusi luhur.
Ayana Pasar
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- ngan karéta
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Turin to Porto, sareng kami ngarepkeun inpormasi kami bakal ngabantosan anjeun dina ngarencanakeun perjalanan karéta anjeun sareng nyandak kaputusan anu langkung bijaksana, sing senang-senang
Salam nami abdi Ronnie, Kusabab kuring masih orok kuring éta penjelajah kuring ngajajah dunya kalayan pandangan kuring sorangan, Abdi nyarioskeun carita anu saé, Abdi percanten yén anjeun resep kana carita kuring, ngarasa Luncat pesen kuring
Anjeun tiasa ngadaptar di dieu pikeun nampi tulisan blog ngeunaan kasempetan perjalanan di sakumna dunya