Panungtungan diropéa Agustus 24, 2021
Kategori: PerancisPangarang: MATTHEW BUCKNER
Émosi anu ngahartikeun perjalanan karéta mangrupikeun pandangan kami nyaéta: ️
- Travel information about Lyon and Montpellier
- Lalampahan ku angka
- Lokasi kota Lyon
- High view of Lyon Part Dieu train Station
- Peta kota Montpellier
- Panempoan langit Stasion karéta Montpellier Saint Roch
- Map of the road between Lyon and Montpellier
- Inpormasi umum
- Grid

Travel information about Lyon and Montpellier
Kami milarian internét pikeun milarian cara anu pangsaéna pikeun ngarambat ku karéta di antara ieu 2 kota-kota, Lyon, and Montpellier and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Lyon Part Dieu and Montpellier Saint Roch.
Travelling between Lyon and Montpellier is an superb experience, sabab duanana kota ngagaduhan tempat-tempat sareng tempat wisata anu berkesan.
Lalampahan ku angka
Harga Minimum | € 10,5 |
Harga maksimum | €57.73 |
Bédana antara harga karéta High sareng Low | 81.81% |
Frékuénsi karéta | 15 |
Karéta munggaran | 06:20 |
Karéta panungtungan | 20:50 |
Jarak | 303 km |
Rata-rata waktos Perjalanan | Ti 1h 50m |
Stasion miang | Lyon Part Dieu |
Anjog Stasion | Montpellier Saint-Roch |
Jenis tikét | E-Tikét |
Lumpat | Sumuhun |
Kelas karéta | 1st/2nd |
Stasion Rel Lyon Part Dieu
Salaku léngkah salajengna, anjeun kedah mesen tikét karéta pikeun perjalanan anjeun, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Lyon Part Dieu, Montpellier Saint-Roch:




Lyon is a lovely place to visit so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Tripadvisor
Lyon, ville française de la région historique Rhône-Alpes, se trouve à la jonction du Rhône et de la Saône. Putra puseur témoigne de 2 000 jeung sajarah, avec son amphithéâtre roman des Trois Gaules, l'arsitektur médiévale sareng Renaissance du Vieux Lyon sareng modernitas kuartier de la Confluence sur la Presqu'île. Les Traboules, passages couverts entre les immeubles, relient le Vieux Lyon à la colline de La Croix-Rousse.
Harita kota Lyon ti Google Maps
Bird’s eye view of Lyon Part Dieu train Station
Stasion karéta Montpellier Saint Roch
and also about Montpellier, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Montpellier that you travel to.
Montpellier is a city in southern France, 10km inland from the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The town’s stately Gothic Cathédrale Saint-Pierre, distinguished by conical towers, dates to 1364. The city’s Antigone district is a chic, modern development inspired by neoclassical motifs. Paintings from French and European Old Masters hang at the Musée Fabre.
Location of Montpellier city from Google Maps
High view of Montpellier Saint Roch train Station
Map of the travel between Lyon and Montpellier
Jarak perjalanan ku karéta téh 303 km
Money used in Lyon is Euro – €

Mata uang anu dianggo di Montpellier nyaéta Euro – €

Listrik anu dianggo di Lyon nyaéta 230V
Voltage that works in Montpellier is 230V
EducateTravel Grid pikeun Website Ticketing Train
Pariksa Grid kami pikeun Top Téhnologi Train Website Travel.
Kami nyetak prospek dumasar kana pagelaran, ulasan, laju, kesederhanaan, skor jeung faktor séjén tanpa bias sarta ogé dikumpulkeun data ti pamaké, ogé inpormasi tina sumber online sareng jaringan sosial. Babarengan, skor ieu dipetakeun dina Grid atanapi Graph proprietary kami, nu bisa Anjeun pake pikeun ngabandingkeun pilihan, streamline prosés dibeuli, sarta gancang ngaidentipikasi produk pangalusna.
Ayana Pasar
Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Lyon to Montpellier, sarta kami miharep éta informasi kami baris mantuan anjeun dina perencanaan lalampahan karéta anjeun sarta nyieun kaputusan dididik, sing senang-senang

Salam nami abdi Matthew, Kantos saprak kuring orok kuring ngalamun kuring ngajajah dunya ku panon kuring sorangan, Abdi nyarioskeun carita anu saé, Kuring miharep anjeun resep sudut pandang kuring, ngarasa Luncat pesen kuring
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