Panungtungan diropéa dina Oktober 21, 2021
Kategori: ItaliPangarang: WALLACE handap
Émosi anu ngahartikeun perjalanan karéta mangrupikeun pandangan kami nyaéta: 🏖
- Travel information about Florence Rifredi and Florence Campo Di Marte
- Lalampahan ku inohong
- Location of Florence Rifredi city
- High view of Florence Rifredi station
- Map of Florence Campo Di Marte city
- Sky view of Florence Campo Di Marte station
- Map of the road between Florence Rifredi and Florence Campo Di Marte
- Inpormasi umum
- Grid

Travel information about Florence Rifredi and Florence Campo Di Marte
Urang googled web pikeun manggihan cara pangalusna mutlak pikeun indit ku karéta ti ieu 2 kota-kota, Florence Rifredi, and Florence Campo Di Marte and we saw that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Florence Rifredi station and Florence Campo Di Marte station.
Travelling between Florence Rifredi and Florence Campo Di Marte is an amazing experience, sabab duanana kota ngagaduhan tempat-tempat sareng tempat wisata anu berkesan.
Lalampahan ku inohong
Harga Minimum | € 1,58 |
Harga maksimum | € 1,58 |
Bédana antara harga karéta High sareng Low | 0% |
Frékuénsi karéta | 49 |
Karéta munggaran | 05:22 |
Karéta panungtungan | 23:45 |
Jarak | 5 km |
Rata-rata waktos Perjalanan | Ti 7m |
Stasion miang | Florence Rifredi Station |
Anjog Stasion | Florence Campo Di Marte Station |
Jenis tikét | E-Tikét |
Lumpat | Sumuhun |
Kelas karéta | 1st / 2nd / Usaha |
Florence Rifredi station Railway station
Salaku léngkah salajengna, anjeun kedah mesen tikét pikeun perjalanan anjeun ku karéta, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Florence Rifredi station, Florence Campo Di Marte station:




Florence Rifredi is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Tripadvisor
Residential Rifredi is known for a collection of European and Japanese weapons and armor at the Stibbert Museum, which has architectural follies in an English-style garden. Dating from medieval times, Santo Stefano in Pane is a Romanesque church with a 16th-century porticoed facade. Live music and LGBT parties are the draw at Auditorium FLOG, while the neighborhood pizzerias are popular with students.
Map of Florence Rifredi city from Google Maps
Sky view of Florence Rifredi station
Stasion karéta api Florence Campo Di Marte
and additionally about Florence Campo Di Marte, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Florence Campo Di Marte that you travel to.
Firenze Campo di Marte (atawa, simply, Firenze Campo Marte) (IATA: FIR) is the third railway station of Florence and the eighth station of Tuscany and the biggest station in south Florence. The station is mostly used by commuters going to Florence coming from the nearby countryside
Location of Florence Campo Di Marte city from Google Maps
Sky view of Florence Campo Di Marte station
Map of the trip between Florence Rifredi to Florence Campo Di Marte
Jarak perjalanan ku karéta téh 5 km
Currency used in Florence Rifredi is Euro – €

Bills accepted in Florence Campo Di Marte are Euro – €

Electricity that works in Florence Rifredi is 230V
Power that works in Florence Campo Di Marte is 230V
EducateTravel Grid pikeun Train Ticketing Platform
Pariksa Grid kami pikeun Top Téhnologi Train Website Travel.
Urang nyitak kontestan dumasar kana pagelaran, laju, kesederhanaan, ulasan, skor jeung faktor séjén tanpa prasangka jeung ogé input ti klien, ogé inpormasi tina sumber online sareng situs wéb sosial. Dihijikeun, skor ieu dipetakeun dina Grid atanapi Graph proprietary kami, nu bisa Anjeun pake pikeun nyaimbangkeun pilihan, ningkatkeun prosés pameseran, tur gancang ningali solusi luhur.
Ayana Pasar
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Florence Rifredi to Florence Campo Di Marte, sareng kami ngarepkeun inpormasi kami bakal ngabantosan anjeun dina ngarencanakeun perjalanan karéta anjeun sareng nyandak kaputusan anu langkung bijaksana, sing senang-senang

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Anjeun tiasa daptar di dieu pikeun nampi bongbolongan ngeunaan ideu perjalanan di panjuru dunya