Travel Recommendation between Carcassonne to Toulouse

Waktos Maca: 5 menit

Panungtungan diropéa dina Séptémber 7, 2021

Kategori: Perancis

Pangarang: BRAD GOMEZ

Émosi anu ngahartikeun perjalanan karéta mangrupikeun pandangan kami nyaéta: 🌇


  1. Travel information about Carcassonne and Toulouse
  2. Lalampahan ku angka
  3. Location of Carcassonne city
  4. High view of Carcassonne train Station
  5. Map of Toulouse city
  6. Sky view of Toulouse Matabiau train Station
  7. Map of the road between Carcassonne and Toulouse
  8. Inpormasi umum
  9. Grid

Travel information about Carcassonne and Toulouse

Kami google dina online pikeun milari cara anu pangsaéna mutlak pikeun ngalangkungan karéta ieu 2 kota-kota, Carcassonne, and Toulouse and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Carcassonne station and Toulouse Matabiau.

Travelling between Carcassonne and Toulouse is an amazing experience, sabab duanana kota ngagaduhan tempat-tempat sareng tempat wisata anu berkesan.

Lalampahan ku angka
Biaya panghandapna€ 1,05
Biaya maksimum€ 7,36
Bédana antara harga karéta High sareng Low85.73%
Frékuénsi karéta29
Karéta pangheulana06:02
karéta panganyarna22:36
Jarak95 km
Diperkirakeun waktos PerjalananTi 42m
Lokasi miangCarcassonne Station
Lokasi anjogToulouse-Matabiau
Jenis tikétPDF

Carcassonne Train station

Salaku léngkah salajengna, anjeun kedah mesen tikét pikeun perjalanan anjeun ku karéta, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Carcassonne station, Toulouse-Matabiau:

Perusahaan Save A Train dumasarkeun di Walanda
ngamimitian Virail dumasar di Walanda
B-Éropa bisnis lokasina di Bélgia
ngan karéta
Ngan ngamimitian karéta anu aya di Bélgia

Carcassonne is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Tripadvisor

Carcassonne, ville située en haut d’une colline dans le Languedoc dans le sud de la France, est célèbre pour sa citadelle médiévale, La Cité, avec ses nombreuses tours de guet et sa double enceinte. Les premiers murs ont été construits à l’époque gallo-romaine, tandis que les principaux ajouts ont été apportés aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles. Le château Comtal, qui date du XIIe siècle, propose des expositions archéologiques et une visite des remparts intérieurs.

Map of Carcassonne city from Google Maps

Sky view of Carcassonne train Station

Stasion karéta Toulouse Matabiau

and also about Toulouse, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Toulouse that you travel to.

Toulouse, ibukota wewengkon Occitanie kidul Perancis, ieu dibagi ku Walungan Garonne sarta sits deukeut wates Spanyol. Ieu katelah La Ville Rose ('Kota Pink') alatan bata terra-cotta dipaké dina loba wangunan na. Canal du Midi abad ka-17 ngahubungkeun Garonne ka Laut Tengah, tur bisa ngarambat ku kapal, sapédah atawa leumpang.

Map of Toulouse city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Toulouse Matabiau train Station

Map of the terrain between Carcassonne to Toulouse

Jarak total ku karéta téh 95 km

Money used in Carcassonne is Euro – €

mata uang Perancis

Money accepted in Toulouse are Euro – €

mata uang Perancis

Electricity that works in Carcassonne is 230V

Electricity that works in Toulouse is 230V

EducateTravel Grid pikeun Train Ticketing Platform

Pilarian di dieu Grid kami pikeun Solusi Perjalanan Karéta Téknologi luhur.

Urang nyitak kontestan dumasar kana kesederhanaan, skor, pintonan, ulasan, speed jeung faktor séjén tanpa prasangka sarta ogé input ti klien, ogé inpormasi tina sumber online sareng situs wéb sosial. Dihijikeun, skor ieu dipetakeun dina Grid atanapi Graph proprietary kami, nu bisa Anjeun pake pikeun nyaimbangkeun pilihan, ningkatkeun prosés pameseran, tur gancang ningali solusi luhur.

Ayana Pasar


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Carcassonne to Toulouse, sarta kami miharep éta informasi kami baris mantuan anjeun dina perencanaan lalampahan karéta anjeun sarta nyieun kaputusan dididik, sing senang-senang


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