Travel Recommendation between Saint Nazaire to Nancy

Nako ea ho bala: 5 metsotso

E qetetse ho ntlafatsoa ka Mphalane 3, 2021

Sehlopha: Fora


Maikutlo a hlalosang maeto a terene ke pono ea rona ke: 🌅


  1. Travel information about Saint Nazaire and Nancy
  2. Tsamaea ka lipalo
  3. Location of Saint Nazaire city
  4. High view of Saint Nazaire station
  5. 'Mapa oa Nancy city
  6. Sky view ea Nancy station
  7. Map of the road between Saint Nazaire and Nancy
  8. Lintlha tse akaretsang
  9. Grid
Saint Nazaire

Travel information about Saint Nazaire and Nancy

Re batlile marang-rang ho fumana mekhoa e metle ea ho tsamaea ka literene lipakeng tsa tsena 2 metse, Saint Nazaire, mme Nancy mme re fumana hore tsela e nepahetseng ke ho qala leeto la hau la terene ke ka liteishene tsena, Saint Nazaire station and Nancy station.

Travelling between Saint Nazaire and Nancy is an superb experience, kaha litoropo ka bobeli li na le libaka tse sa lebaleheng tsa lipontšo le libaka.

Tsamaea ka lipalo
Bonyane Theko€54.79
Boholo Theko€54.79
Phapang pakeng tsa High le Low literene Theko0%
Terene Frequency9
Terene ea pele05:23
Terene ea ho qetela19:09
Sebaka825 km
Karolelano ea nako ea LeetoFrom 5h 35m
Ho tloha SeteishenengSaint Nazaire Station
Seteishene sa ho FihlaNancy Station
Mofuta oa liteketeTekete ea E
Ho mathaEe
Sehlopha sa Terene1st/2nd

Saint Nazaire Train station

E le mohato o latelang, o tlameha ho odara tekete ea terene bakeng sa maeto a hau, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Saint Nazaire station, Seteishene sa Nancy:

Save A Terene qalo e thehiloe ka The Netherlands
Khamphani ea Virail e thehiloe Netherlands
Ho qala ha B-Europe ho thehiloe Belgium
koetlisa feela
Ke k'hamphani ea literene feela e thehiloeng Belgium

Saint Nazaire is a lovely place to visit so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Tripadvisor

Saint-Nazaire is a city on the west coast of France. Housed in a fortified lock in the harbor is the Espadon, a post-WWII submarine. The Escal’Atlantic museum, a life-size reconstruction of an ocean liner, celebrates the city’s shipbuilding past. Ho ea bophirima, the Tumulus de Dissignac is an ancient burial mound with Neolithic rock carvings. Ho ea leboea, canals cross the salt marshes of Brière Regional Natural Park.

Map of Saint Nazaire city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Saint Nazaire station

Nancy Rail station

le ka Nancy, hape re nkile qeto ea ho tlisa ho tsoa Wikipedia e le mohloli oa eona o nepahetseng le o tšepahalang oa tlhaiso-leseling mabapi le seo u lokelang ho se etsa ho Nancy eo u etelang ho eona..

Nancy, toropo e pel'a noka e karolong e ka leboea-bochabela ea Fora ea Grand Est, E tsebahala ka libaka tsa eona tsa morao-rao tsa baroque le art nouveau, tse ling tsa mehleng ea eona e le motse-moholo oa mehleng oa Duchy of Lorraine. Sebaka sa eona sa mantlha ke Sebaka sa Stanislas sa lekholong la bo18 la lilemo. Sekwere sena se seholo, e khabisitsoeng ka liheke tsa tšepe tse betliloeng le liliba tsa rococo, e lutse pel'a matlo a borena a majabajaba le likereke tse tlatsang toropo ea khale ea toropo.

Map of Nancy city from Google Maps

Pono e phahameng ea seteishene sa Nancy

Map of the road between Saint Nazaire and Nancy

Kakaretso ea sebaka se tsamaeang ka terene ke 825 km

Money accepted in Saint Nazaire are Euro – €

Chelete ea Fora

Likoloto tse amoheloang Nancy ke Euro – €

Chelete ea Fora

Voltage that works in Saint Nazaire is 230V

Matla a sebetsang ho Nancy ke 230V

EducateTravel Grid bakeng sa Liwebsaete tsa Litekete tsa Terene

Fumana mona Grid ea rona bakeng sa Litharollo tse holimo tsa Terene ea Terene ea Terene.

Re beha lintlha ho latela lebelo, bonolo, lintlha, maikutlo, lits'ebetso le lintlha tse ling ntle le leeme hape le mefuta e tsoang ho bareki, hammoho le lintlha tse tsoang mehloling ea marang-rang le li-folate tsa sechaba. Kopantswe, lintlha tsena li entsoe ho Grid kapa Kerafo ea rona, eo u ka e sebelisang ho leka-lekanya likhetho, ntlafatsa mokhoa oa ho reka, 'me kapele u bone likhetho tse holimo.

Boteng ba 'Maraka

  • saveatrain
  • kokoana-hloko
  • b-europe
  • koetlisa feela


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Saint Nazaire to Nancy, 'me re tšepa hore boitsebiso ba rona bo tla u thusa ho rera leeto la hau la terene le ho etsa liqeto tse rutehileng, natefeloa


Lumela, lebitso la ka ke Daniele, ho tloha ha ke sa le mocha ke ne ke fapane ke bona lik'honthinente ka maikutlo a ka, Ke pheta pale e monate, Ke tšepa hore u ratile mantsoe le litšoantšo tsa ka, ikutloe u lokolohile ho nthomella lengolo-tsoibila

U ka ingolisa mona ho fumana litlhahiso mabapi le mehopolo ea maeto ho potoloha lefatše

Kena le koranta ea rona