Travel Recommendation between Rome Fiumicino Airport to Rome Tiburtina

Nako ea ho bala: 5 metsotso

E qetetse ho ntlafatsoa ka Mphalane 20, 2021

Sehlopha: Italy


Maikutlo a hlalosang maeto a terene ke pono ea rona ke: 🚌


  1. Travel information about Rome and Rome Tiburtina
  2. Leeto ka linomoro
  3. Sebaka sa toropo ea Roma
  4. Pono e phahameng ea seteishene sa boema-fofane sa Rome Fiumicino
  5. Map of Rome Tiburtina city
  6. Sky view ea seteishene sa Roma sa Tiburtina
  7. Map of the road between Rome and Rome Tiburtina
  8. Lintlha tse akaretsang
  9. Grid

Travel information about Rome and Rome Tiburtina

Re batlile inthanete ho fumana mekhoa e metle ea ho tsamaea ka literene lipakeng tsa tsena 2 metse, Roma, and Rome Tiburtina and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Rome Fiumicino Airport station and Rome Tiburtina station.

Travelling between Rome and Rome Tiburtina is an superb experience, kaha litoropo ka bobeli li na le libaka tse sa lebaleheng tsa lipontšo le libaka.

Leeto ka linomoro
Litšenyehelo tse tlase€8,39
Boholo ba Litšenyehelo€8,39
Phapang pakeng tsa High le Low literene Theko0%
Terene Frequency69
Terene ea pele05:57
Terene ea morao-rao23:27
Sebaka18 km
Khakanyo ea nako ea LeetoHo tloha ho 33m
Ho tloha sebakengSeteishene sa boema-fofane sa Roma Fiumicino
Sebaka sa ho FihlaSeteishene sa Roma sa Tiburtina
Mofuta oa liteketePDF
Ho mathaEe

Rome Fiumicino Airport station Train station

E le mohato o latelang, o tlameha ho odara tekete ea terene bakeng sa maeto a hau, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Rome Fiumicino Airport station, Rome Tiburtina station:

Khamphani ea Save A Terene e thehiloe Netherlands
Ho qala ha Virail ho thehiloe Netherlands
Ho qala ha B-Europe ho thehiloe Belgium
koetlisa feela
Ke khoebo ea literene feela e fumanehang Belgium

Roma ke toropo e phetheselang ho ea teng, kahoo re rata ho arolelana le uena lintlha tse ling tseo re li bokelletseng mabapi le eona Wikipedia

Roma ke motse-moholo ebile ke komiki e khethehileng ea Italy, hammoho le motse-moholo oa sebaka sa Lazio. Toropo e bile sebaka sa bolulo se seholo sa batho bakeng sa lilemo tse ka bang likete tse tharo. Le 2,860,009 baahi ba 1,285 km², hape ke komune e nang le baahi ba bangata ka ho fetisisa naheng.

Sebaka sa motse oa Roma ho tloha Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Rome Fiumicino Airport station

Seteishene sa Terene sa Roma Tiburtina

and additionally about Rome Tiburtina, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Rome Tiburtina that you travel to.

Roma Tiburtina ke seteishene sa terene se seholo sa bobeli Roma, ka mor'a Roma Termini. E fumaneha karolong e ka leboea-bochabela ea toropo, qalong e ne e hahiloe lilemong tsa bo-1860 e le seteishene sa ho qetela. Lilemong tsa morao tjena, seteishene e se e ntlafalitse ho sebetsa hamolemo e le setsi sa litšebeletso tsa terene tsa lebelo le phahameng la Italy. Seteishene se hokahane le Metro line ea B ea Roma seteisheneng sa metro sa Tiburtina, hammoho le lits'ebeletso tsa libese tsa lehae ka sebaka sa libese se haufi ha basebelisi ba likoloi tsa poraefete ba fuoa ho feta 100,000 libaka tsa ho paka libakeng tse ngata tsa ho paka makoloi.

Sebaka sa Roma Tiburtina toropo ho tloha Google Maps

Sky view ea seteishene sa Roma sa Tiburtina

Map of the road between Rome and Rome Tiburtina

Ho tsamaea sebaka ka terene ke 18 km

Chelete e sebelisoang Roma ke Euro – €

Chelete ea Italy

Money accepted in Rome Tiburtina are Euro – €

Chelete ea Italy

Matla a sebetsang Roma ke 230V

Power that works in Rome Tiburtina is 230V

EducateTravel Grid bakeng sa Li-Platform tsa Terene ea Litekete

Fumana mona Grid ea rona bakeng sa Litharollo tse holimo tsa Terene ea Terene ea Terene.

Re fana ka lintlha tsa bahlolisani ho latela lintlha, bonolo, lits'ebetso, lebelo, litlhahlobo le lintlha tse ling ntle le khethollo le maikutlo a tsoang ho bareki, hammoho le boitsebiso bo tsoang mehloling ea marang-rang le liwebsaeteng tsa sechaba. Kopantswe, lintlha tsena li entsoe ho Grid kapa Kerafo ea rona, eo u ka e sebelisang ho leka-lekanya likhetho, ntlafatsa mokhoa oa ho reka, 'me kapele u bone litharollo tse holimo.

Boteng ba 'Maraka


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Rome to Rome Tiburtina, 'me re tšepa hore boitsebiso ba rona bo tla u thusa ho rera leeto la hau la terene le ho etsa liqeto tse bohlale, natefeloa


Lumela, lebitso la ka ke Casey, ho tloha ha ke sa le mocha ke ne ke fapane ke bona lik'honthinente ka maikutlo a ka, Ke pheta pale e monate, Ke tšepa hore u ratile mantsoe le litšoantšo tsa ka, ikutloe u lokolohile ho nthomella lengolo-tsoibila

U ka ingolisa mona ho fumana lingoloa tsa blog mabapi le mehopolo ea maeto ho pota lefatše

Kena le koranta ea rona