Keletso ea Maeto lipakeng tsa Mannheim ho ea Bielefeld

Nako ea ho bala: 5 metsotso

E qetetse ho ntlafatsoa ka Phuptjane 16, 2022

Sehlopha: Jeremane


Maikutlo a hlalosang maeto a terene ke pono ea rona ke: 😀


  1. Lintlha tse mabapi le Mannheim le Bielefeld
  2. Tsamaea ka lipalo
  3. Sebaka sa toropo ea Mannheim
  4. Pono e phahameng ea Mannheim Central Station
  5. 'Mapa oa toropo ea Bielefeld
  6. Sky view ea Bielefeld Central Station
  7. 'Mapa oa tsela lipakeng tsa Mannheim le Bielefeld
  8. Lintlha tse akaretsang
  9. Grid

Lintlha tse mabapi le Mannheim le Bielefeld

Re batlile marang-rang ho fumana mekhoa e metle ea ho tsamaea ka literene lipakeng tsa tsena 2 metse, Mannheim, le Bielefeld mme re fumana hore tsela e nepahetseng ke ho qala leeto la hau la terene ke liteishene tsena, Mannheim Central Station le Bielefeld Central Station.

Ho tsamaea pakeng tsa Mannheim le Bielefeld ke phihlelo e babatsehang, kaha litoropo ka bobeli li na le libaka tse sa lebaleheng tsa lipontšo le libaka.

Tsamaea ka lipalo
Chelete e ka tlase€40.88
Chelete e Phahameng ka ho Fetisisa€40.88
Pokollo lipakeng tsa Tefiso ea Tefiso ea Boholo le Bonyane ba Terene0%
Palo ea Literene ka letsatsi36
Terene ea pele04:01
Terene ea morao-rao23:51
Sebaka396 km
Nako ea maeto a maharengHo tloha 3h 31m
Ho tloha sebakengMannheim Central Station
Sebaka sa ho FihlaBielefeld Central Station
Tlhaloso ea litokomaneElektronike
E fumaneha letsatsi le letsatsi✔️
MaemoEa pele/ea Bobeli

Seteishene sa Terene sa Mannheim

E le mohato o latelang, o tlameha ho odara tekete ea terene bakeng sa maeto a hau, kahoo mona ke ba bang ba ditheko baratos ho fumana ka terene ho tloha liteishene Mannheim Central Station, Bielefeld Central Station:

Save A Terene qalo e teng ka The Netherlands
Khoebo ea Virail e fumaneha Netherlands
Qalo ea B-Europe e fumaneha Belgium
koetlisa feela
Ho qala terene feela ho thehiloe Belgium

Mannheim ke toropo e ntle eo u ka e etelang, kahoo re lakatsa ho arolelana le uena lintlha tse ling tseo re li bokeletseng ho tsona Google

Mannheim ke toropo e ka boroa-bophirima ho Jeremane, linōkeng tsa Rhine le Neckar. Ntlo ea borena ea Mannheim ea lekholong la bo18 la lilemo e na le lipontšo tsa histori, hammoho le Univesithi ea Mannheim. Setsing se kang sa grid, e bitsoang Quadrate, Marktplatz Square e na le seliba sa baroque se nang le liemahale. Seterata sa mabenkele sa Planken se lebisa boroa-bochabela ho Romanesque Water Tower, lirapeng tsa art nouveau tsa Friedrichsplatz.

'Mapa oa toropo ea Mannheim ho tloha Google Maps

Sky view ea Mannheim Central Station

Seteishene sa terene sa Bielefeld

hape ka Bielefeld, hape re nkile qeto ea ho lata ho Tripadvisor e le sebaka sa eona se nepahetseng le se tšepahalang sa tlhaiso-leseling mabapi le seo u lokelang ho se etsa ho Bielefeld eo u etelang ho eona..

Bielefeld ke toropo e Seterekeng sa Ostwestfalen-Lippe ka leboea-bochabela ho North Rhine-Westphalia., Jeremane. Le baahi ba 341,730, hape ke toropo e nang le baahi ba bangata ka ho fetisisa tikolohong ea tsamaiso ea Detmold le toropo e kholo ea 18th Jeremane..

Location of Bielefeld city from Google Maps

Pono e phahameng ea Bielefeld Central Station

'Mapa oa sebaka se pakeng tsa Mannheim ho ea Bielefeld

Ho tsamaea sebaka ka terene ke 396 km

Chelete e sebelisoang Mannheim ke Euro – €

Chelete ea Jeremane

Chelete e sebelisoang Bielefeld ke Euro – €

Chelete ea Jeremane

Matla a sebetsang Mannheim ke 230V

Matla a sebetsang Bielefeld ke 230V

EducateTravel Grid bakeng sa Liwebsaete tsa Litekete tsa Terene

Sheba Grid ea rona bakeng sa liforomo tse holimo tsa Terene ea Terene ea Theknoloji.

Re beha lintlha ho latela maikutlo a rona, lits'ebetso, bonolo, lintlha, lebelo le lintlha tse ling ntle le khethollo le mefuta e tsoang ho bareki, hammoho le lintlha tse tsoang mehloling ea marang-rang le li-folate tsa sechaba. Kopantswe, lintlha tsena li entsoe ho Grid kapa Kerafo ea rona, eo u ka e sebelisang ho leka-lekanya likhetho, ntlafatsa mokhoa oa ho reka, 'me kapele u bone likhetho tse holimo.

Boteng ba 'Maraka

  • saveatrain
  • kokoana-hloko
  • b-europe
  • koetlisa feela


Kea leboha ha u bala leqephe la rona la likhothaletso mabapi le ho tsamaea le ho tsamaea ka terene ho tloha Mannheim ho ea Bielefeld, 'me re tšepa hore boitsebiso ba rona bo tla u thusa ho rera leeto la hau la terene le ho etsa liqeto tse rutehileng, natefeloa


Lumela, lebitso la ka ke Marvin, Ho tloha ha ke sa le ngoana ke ne ke le motho ea lorang motšeare ke tsamaea lefatšeng ka mahlo a ka, Ke pheta pale e tšepahalang le ea 'nete, Ke tšepa hore u ratile mongolo oa ka, ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le 'na

U ka ingolisa mona ho fumana litlhahiso mabapi le mehopolo ea maeto ho potoloha lefatše

Kena le koranta ea rona