Travel Recommendation between Liege Guillemins to Lille Europe

Nako ea ho bala: 5 metsotso

E qetetse ho ntlafatsoa ka Mphalane 13, 2021

Sehlopha: Belgium, Fora


Maikutlo a hlalosang maeto a terene ke pono ea rona ke: .️


  1. Travel information about Liege Guillemins and Lille Europe
  2. Tsamaea ka lipalo
  3. Sebaka sa toropo ea Liege Guillemins
  4. Pono e phahameng ea seteishene sa Liege Guillemins
  5. 'Mapa oa toropo ea Lille Europe
  6. Sky view ea seteisheneng sa Lille Europe
  7. Map of the road between Liege Guillemins and Lille Europe
  8. Lintlha tse akaretsang
  9. Grid

Travel information about Liege Guillemins and Lille Europe

Re batlile inthanete ho fumana mekhoa e metle ea ho tsamaea ka literene lipakeng tsa tsena 2 metse, Liege-Guillemins, le Lille Europe mme re fumane hore tsela e molemohali ke ho qala leeto la hau la terene ke le liteishene tsena, Liege Guillemins station and Lille Europe station.

Travelling between Liege Guillemins and Lille Europe is an superb experience, kaha litoropo ka bobeli li na le libaka tse sa lebaleheng tsa lipontšo le libaka.

Tsamaea ka lipalo
Litšenyehelo tse tlase€24.56
Boholo ba Litšenyehelo€24.56
Phapang pakeng tsa High le Low literene Theko0%
Terene Frequency9
Terene ea pele04:36
Terene ea morao-rao18:00
Sebaka204 km
Khakanyo ea nako ea LeetoFrom 1h 51m
Ho tloha sebakengSeteishene sa Liege Guillemins
Sebaka sa ho FihlaLille Europe Station
Mofuta oa liteketePDF
Ho mathaEe

Seteishene sa Terene sa Liege Guillemins

E le mohato o latelang, o tlameha ho odara tekete ea terene bakeng sa maeto a hau, kahoo mona ke litheko tse ntle tseo u ka li fumanang ka terene ho tloha liteisheneng tsa Liege Guillemins, Seteishene sa Lille Europe:

Khoebo ea Save A Terene e fumaneha The Netherlands
Khamphani ea Virail e thehiloe Netherlands
Qalo ea B-Europe e fumaneha Belgium
koetlisa feela
Ho qala literene feela ho fumaneha Belgium

Liege Guillemins ke toropo e phetheselang ho ea teng, kahoo re lakatsa ho arolelana le uena lintlha tse ling mabapi le eona tseo re li bokeletseng. Wikipedia

Seteishene sa terene sa Liège-Guillemins ke setsi se seholo sa toropo ea Liège, toropo ea boraro e kholo ka ho fetisisa Belgium. Ke e 'ngoe ea libaka tsa bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa naheng eo 'me ke e 'ngoe ea 4 Liteishene tsa Belgian ho marang-rang a lebelo le phahameng la terene.

Sebaka sa Liege Guillemins toropo ho tloha Google Maps

Sky view ea seteishene sa Liege Guillemins

Seteishene sa Terene sa Lille Europe

le ka Lille Europe, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Lille Europe that you travel to.

Lille ke motse-moholo oa sebaka sa Hauts-de-France ka leboea ho Fora, haufi le moeli le Belgium. Sebaka sa setso le toropo ea univesithi e phetheselang kajeno, e kile ea e-ba setsi sa bohlokoa sa bahoebi sa French Flanders, 'me litšusumetso tse ngata tsa Flemish li ntse li le teng. Setsi sa histori, Lille ea khale, e tšoauoa ka matlo a litoropo tsa litene tsa lekholong la bo17 la lilemo, literateng tsa batho ba tsamaeang ka maoto tse koetsoeng le lebala le leholo le bohareng, Sebaka se Seholo.

Map of Lille Europe city from Google Maps

Pono e phahameng ea seteishene sa Lille Europe

Map of the terrain between Liege Guillemins to Lille Europe

Ho tsamaea sebaka ka terene ke 204 km

Litefiso tse amoheloang Liege Guillemins ke Euro – €

Chelete ea Belgium

Chelete e sebelisoang Lille Europe ke Euro – €

Chelete ea Fora

Matla a sebetsang ho Liege Guillemins ke 230V

Matla a sebetsang Lille Europe ke 230V

EducateTravel Grid bakeng sa Liwebsaete tsa Litekete tsa Terene

Fumana mona Grid ea rona bakeng sa Litharollo tse holimo tsa Terene ea Terene ea Terene.

Re fana ka lintlha tsa bahlolisani ho latela maikutlo, bonolo, lits'ebetso, lebelo, lintlha le lintlha tse ling ntle le khethollo le maikutlo a tsoang ho bareki, hammoho le boitsebiso bo tsoang mehloling ea marang-rang le liwebsaeteng tsa sechaba. Kopantswe, lintlha tsena li entsoe ho Grid kapa Kerafo ea rona, eo u ka e sebelisang ho leka-lekanya likhetho, ntlafatsa mokhoa oa ho reka, 'me kapele u bone litharollo tse holimo.

Boteng ba 'Maraka


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Liege Guillemins to Lille Europe, 'me re tšepa hore boitsebiso ba rona bo tla u thusa ho rera leeto la hau la terene le ho etsa liqeto tse bohlale, natefeloa


Lumela lebitso la ka ke Pedro, ho tloha ha ke sa le lesea ke ne ke le mofuputsi ke hlahloba lefatše ka maikutlo a ka, Ke pheta pale e monate, Ke tšepa hore u ratile pale ea ka, ikutloe u lokolohile ho nthomella molaetsa

U ka beha tlhaiso-leseling mona ho amohela litlhahiso mabapi le likhetho tsa maeto ho potoloha lefatše

Kena le koranta ea rona