Travel Recommendation between Nuremberg to Bayreuth

Nguva yekuverenga: 5 maminetsi

Yakapedzisira Kuvandudzwa munaJune 15, 2022

Category: Jerimani


Manzwiro anotsanangura kufamba kwechitima ndiwo maonero edu: ✈️

Zviri mukati:

  1. Travel information about Nuremberg and Bayreuth
  2. Rwendo nenhamba
  3. Nzvimbo yeNuremberg guta
  4. Nzvimbo yepamusoro yeNuremberg Central Station
  5. Map of Bayreuth city
  6. Sky view of Bayreuth Central Station
  7. Map of the road between Nuremberg and Bayreuth
  8. General information
  9. Grid

Travel information about Nuremberg and Bayreuth

We googled ari paIndaneti kuwana mhedziso yakanakisisa nzira kuenda nezvitima kubva izvi 2 maguta, Nuremberg, and Bayreuth and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Nuremberg Central Station and Bayreuth Central Station.

Travelling between Nuremberg and Bayreuth is an amazing experience, sezvo maguta ese ari maviri asingakanganwike show-nzvimbo uye zvinotyisa.

Rwendo nenhamba
Pazasi Mari€20.75
Yakakwirira Mari€20.75
Kuchengeta pakati peMaximum uye Minimum zvitima Fare0%
Huwandu Zvitima pazuva33
Chitima chekutanga00:22
Latest chitima22:57
Distance84 km
Median Travel timeKubva 52m
Kubva NzvimboNuremberg Central Station
Kusvika NzvimboBayreuth Central Station
Tsanangudzo yegwaroElectronic
Inowanikwa mazuva ese✔️

Nuremberg Rail station

Sechinhanho chinotevera, unofanirwa kuhodha tikiti rekufamba kwako nechitima, saka heano mamwe akanakisa mitengo yekuwana nechitima kubva kuNuremberg Central Station, Bayreuth Central Station:

Sevha A Chitima bhizinesi iri muNetherlands
Virail kutanga iri muNetherlands
B-Europe kambani inogara muBelgium
Kambani yechitima chete inogara muBelgium

Nuremberg inzvimbo inoshamisa kuona saka tinoda kugovana newe imwe data pamusoro payo yatakaunganidza kubva. Google

Nuremberg iguta rechipiri pakukura mudunhu reGerman reBavaria mushure meguta guru Munich, uye its 518,370 vagari vemo vanoriita guta rechi14 pakukura muGermany.

Nzvimbo yeNuremberg guta kubva Google Mepu

Sky maonero eNuremberg Central Station

Bayreuth Railway station

and also about Bayreuth, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Bayreuth that you travel to.

Bayreuth is a town on the Red Main river in Bavaria, Jerimani. At its center is the Richard Wagner Museum in the composer’s former home, Villa Wahnfried. Wagner’s operas are performed at the Bayreuther Festspielhaus, home of the annual Bayreuth Festival. On the eastern outskirts, the Hermitage Gardens surrounds the Altes Schloss Eremitage palace and the Temple of the Sun (Sonnentempel), honoring the god Apollo.

Location of Bayreuth city from Google Mepu

Bird’s eye view of Bayreuth Central Station

Map of the trip between Nuremberg to Bayreuth

Kufamba chinhambwe nechitima ndiko 84 km

Mari inoshandiswa muNuremberg iEuro – €

Germany mari

Currency used in Bayreuth is Euro – €

Germany mari

Voltage inoshanda muNuremberg i230V

Voltage that works in Bayreuth is 230V

DzidzisaTravel Grid yeChitima Matikiti Mawebhusaiti

Tsvaga pano Grid Yedu yepamusoro Tekinoroji Chitima Kufamba Solutions.

Tinowanisa vavhoti zvichienderana nezvibodzwa, nyore, performances, wongororo, kumhanya uye zvimwe zvinhu pasina rusaruro uye zvakare yakaunganidzwa kubva kune vashandisi, pamwe chete neruzivo kubva ku online masosi uye masocial network. Pamwe chete, zvibodzwa izvi zvakaiswa mepu pane yedu proprietary Grid kana Girafu, iyo yaunogona kushandisa kuenzanisa sarudzo, gadzirisa nzira yekutenga, uye nokukurumidza kuziva zvigadzirwa zvakanakisisa.

Kuvapo Kwemusika


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Nuremberg to Bayreuth, uye tinovimba kuti ruzivo rwedu ruchakubatsira mukuronga rwendo rwako rwechitima uye kuita sarudzo dzakadzidziswa, Nakidzwa


Kwaziwai zita rangu ndinonzi Jacob, Kubva ndichiri mucheche ndairota ndichiongorora nyika nemaziso angu, Ndinotaura nyaya yakanaka, Ndinovimba kuti wakafarira maonero angu, sunungukai kunditumira meseji

Iwe unogona kusaina pano kuti ugamuchire mazano nezve mafambiro mazano kutenderera pasirese

Joinha tsamba yedu