Travel Recommendation between Interlaken to Bern

Nguva yekuverenga: 5 maminetsi

Yakapedzisira Kugadziridzwa muna Nyamavhuvhu 27, 2021

Category: Siwizarendi


Manzwiro anotsanangura kufamba kwechitima ndiwo maonero edu: 🌅

Zviri mukati:

  1. Travel information about Interlaken and Bern
  2. Expedition nemashoko
  3. Location of Interlaken city
  4. High view of Interlaken West train Station
  5. Mepu yeBern guta
  6. Sky maonero eBern train Station
  7. Map of the road between Interlaken and Bern
  8. General information
  9. Grid

Travel information about Interlaken and Bern

Takatsvaga internet kuti tiwane nzira dzakanakisa dzekufamba nezvitima pakati peizvi 2 maguta, Interlaken, and Bern and we figures that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Interlaken West and Bern station.

Travelling between Interlaken and Bern is an superb experience, sezvo maguta ese ari maviri asingakanganwike show-nzvimbo uye zvinotyisa.

Expedition nemashoko
Pazasi Mari€28.55
Yakakwirira Mari€28.55
Kuchengeta pakati peMaximum uye Minimum zvitima Fare0%
Huwandu Zvitima pazuva37
Chitima chemangwanani04:03
Chitima chemanheru22:05
Distance27 mamaira (43 km)
Median Travel timeKubva ku47m
Nzvimbo yekubvaInterlaken West
Nzvimbo yekusvikaBern Station
Tsanangudzo yegwaroElectronic
Inowanikwa mazuva ese✔️

Interlaken West Rail station

Sechinhanho chinotevera, unofanirwa kuhodha tikiti rechitima rekufamba kwako, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Interlaken West, Bern chiteshi:

Sevha A Chitima kambani iri muNetherlands
Virail kutanga kwakavakirwa muNetherlands
B-Europe kambani inogara muBelgium
Chete chitima chekutanga chinowanikwa muBelgium

Interlaken is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Google

Interlaken idhorobha rekugara munzvimbo ine makomo yeBernese Oberland mudunhu repakati peSwitzerland. Yakavakwa panzvimbo yakamanikana yemupata, pakati pemvura ine ruvara rweemerald yeLake Thun neLake Brienz, ine dzimba dzematanda dzekare uye nzvimbo yepaki kumativi ese eRwizi rweAare. Makomo akaripoteredza, nemasango akasvibira, alpine meadows uye glaciers, ine nzira dzakawanda dzekukwira makomo uye skiing.

Mepu yeInterlaken guta kubva Google Mepu

High view of Interlaken West train Station

Bern Rail station

uye zvakare nezveBern, zvakare tafunga kuunza kubva kuGoogle sechingangove chakanyanya uye chakavimbika sosi yeruzivo nezve chinhu chekuita kuBern yaunoshanyira..

Bern, guta guru reSwitzerland, inovakwa kutenderedza chitsotsi murwizi Aare. Inoronda mavambo ayo kusvika muzana ramakore rechi 12, ine zvivakwa zvepakati zvakachengetedzwa muAltstadt (Old Town). Paramende yeSwitzerland nevamiriri vanosangana muNeo-Renaissance Bundeshaus (Federal Palace). Chechi yeFrance (Chechi yeFrench) uye shongwe yepakati pekare inozivikanwa seZytglogge ese ari maviri kusvika kuzana ramakore re13.

Map of Bern city from Google Maps

Sky maonero eBern train Station

Map of the terrain between Interlaken to Bern

Kufamba chinhambwe nechitima ndiko 27 mamaira (43 km)

Bills accepted in Interlaken are Swiss franc – CHF

Switzerland mari

Mari inoshandiswa muBern is Swiss franc – CHF

Switzerland mari

Magetsi anoshanda muInterlaken ari 230V

Magetsi anoshanda muBern ari 230V

DzidzisaTravel Grid yeChitima Matikiti Mawebhusaiti

Tsvaga pano Grid Yedu yepamusoro Tekinoroji Chitima Kufamba Solutions.

Isu tinokora marenji zvichienderana nekuita, speed, nyore, wongororo, zvibodzwa uye zvimwe zvinhu pasina rusaruro uye mafomu kubva kune vatengi, pamwe chete neruzivo kubva ku online masosi uye masocial mawebhusaiti. Yakasanganiswa, zvibodzwa izvi zvakaiswa mepu pane yedu proprietary Grid kana Girafu, iyo yaunogona kushandisa kuenzanisa sarudzo, kuvandudza nzira yekutenga, uye nekukurumidza kuona mhinduro dzepamusoro.

Kuvapo Kwemusika

  • saveatrain
  • utachiona
  • b-Europe
  • onlytrain


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Interlaken to Bern, uye isu tinovimba kuti ruzivo rwedu ruchakubatsira pakuronga rwendo rwako rwechitima uye kuita sarudzo dzakangwara, Nakidzwa


Mhoro zita rangu ndinonzi Derek, Kubva ndichiri mudiki ndaingoswera ndichingoswera ndichitenderera nyika nemeso angu, Ndinotaura nyaya yakatendeseka uye yechokwadi, Ndinovimba kuti wakafarira kunyora kwangu, sunungukai kundibata

Iwe unogona kusaina pano kuti ugamuchire mazano nezve mafambiro mazano kutenderera pasirese

Joinha tsamba yedu