Travel Recommendation between Brig to Lauterbrunnen

Nguva yekuverenga: 5 maminetsi

Yakapedzisira Kugadziridzwa muna Nyamavhuvhu 26, 2021

Category: Siwizarendi


Manzwiro anotsanangura kufamba kwechitima ndiwo maonero edu: 🚆

Zviri mukati:

  1. Travel information about Brig and Lauterbrunnen
  2. Rwendo nenhamba
  3. Nzvimbo yeBrig city
  4. Yepamusoro maonero eBrig chitima Chiteshi
  5. Mepu yeLauterbrunnen guta
  6. Sky view of Lauterbrunnen train Station
  7. Map of the road between Brig and Lauterbrunnen
  8. General information
  9. Grid

Travel information about Brig and Lauterbrunnen

Takatsvaga internet kuti tiwane nzira dzakanakisa dzekufamba nezvitima pakati peizvi 2 maguta, Brig, and Lauterbrunnen and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Brig and Lauterbrunnen station.

Travelling between Brig and Lauterbrunnen is an superb experience, sezvo maguta ese ari maviri asingakanganwike show-nzvimbo uye zvinotyisa.

Rwendo nenhamba
Base Making€20.6
Highest Fare€20.6
Kuchengeta pakati peMaximum uye Minimum zvitima Fare0%
Huwandu Zvitima pazuva23
Chitima chemangwanani05:46
Chitima chemanheru22:18
Distance127 km
Standard Kufamba nguvaFrom 1h 37m
Nzvimbo yekubvaBrig
Nzvimbo yekusvikaLauterbrunnen station
Tsanangudzo yegwaroVadivelu Comedy Mobile
Inowanikwa mazuva ese✔️

Brig Rail station

Sechinhanho chinotevera, unofanirwa kuhodha tikiti rechitima rekufamba kwako, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Brig, Lauterbrunnen station:

Sevha A Chitima kambani iri muNetherlands
Virail kutanga kwakavakirwa muNetherlands
B-Europe kambani inogara muBelgium
Kambani yechitima chete inogara muBelgium

Brig is a lovely place to visit so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Google

Brig idhorobha reAlpine muValais canton, kumaodzanyemba kweSwitzerland. Inogara pazasi peSimplon Pass, iyo inotungamira kumuganhu weItaly. Brig inomira pachitima cheGlacier Express uye inozivikanwa nekugezesa kwayo, St. Sebastian Chapel uye 17th-muzana ramakore Stockalper castle. Iyo nhare yakavakwa nemushambadzi akagadzira pass kuita nzira yekutengeserana. Iyo Aletsch Glacier uye Simplon ski matunhu ari padyo.

Map of Brig city from Google Mepu

Yepamusoro maonero eBrig chitima Chiteshi

Lauterbrunnen chiteshi chechitima

and additionally about Lauterbrunnen, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Lauterbrunnen that you travel to.

Lauterbrunnen idhorobha riri muSwitzerland Alps. Inotenderedza musha weLauterbrunnen, akagara mumupata une mawere ane matombo uye kutinhira, 300m-high Staubbach Falls. Nearby, mvura yechando yeTrümmelbach Falls inoyerera nemumipata yemakomo yakapfuura mapuratifomu ekuona. Mota yetambo inomhanya kubva mumusha weStechelberg kuenda kugomo reSchilthorn, kuti uwane maonero pamusoro peBernese Alps.

Location of Lauterbrunnen city from Google Maps

Sky view of Lauterbrunnen train Station

Map of the travel between Brig and Lauterbrunnen

Kufamba chinhambwe nechitima ndiko 127 km

Bills accepted in Brig are Swiss franc – CHF

Switzerland mari

Mari inogamuchirwa muLauterbrunnen iSwiss franc – CHF

Switzerland mari

Magetsi anoshanda muBrig ari 230V

Voltage inoshanda muLauterbrunnen ndeye 230V

DzidzisaTravel Grid yeChitima Matikiti Mawebhusaiti

Tarisa Grid Yedu yepamusoro Tekinoroji Chitima Kufamba Webhusaiti.

Isu tinopa vanokwikwidza zvichienderana nekureruka, performances, speed, wongororo, scorespeed, wongororo, performances, nyore, scoresperformances, speed, nyore, zvibodzwa, reviewspeed, zvibodzwa, performances, wongororo, simplicityspeed, nyore, performances, zvibodzwa, wongororo, nyore, performances, zvibodzwa, speedsimplicity, zvibodzwa, performances, wongororo, kumhanya uye zvimwe zvinhu pasina rusaruro uye zvakare mapindiro kubva kune vatengi, pamwe chete neruzivo kubva ku online masosi uye masocial mawebhusaiti. Yakasanganiswa, zvibodzwa izvi zvakaiswa mepu pane yedu proprietary Grid kana Girafu, iyo yaunogona kushandisa kuenzanisa sarudzo, kuvandudza nzira yekutenga, uye nekukurumidza kuona mhinduro dzepamusoro.

Kuvapo Kwemusika


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Brig to Lauterbrunnen, uye tinovimba kuti ruzivo rwedu ruchakubatsira mukuronga rwendo rwako rwechitima uye kuita sarudzo dzakadzidziswa, Nakidzwa


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