Yakapedzisira Kugadziridzwa muna Nyamavhuvhu 26, 2021
Category: SiwizarendiMunyori: EDWARD BLANKENSHIP
Manzwiro anotsanangura kufamba kwechitima ndiwo maonero edu: ✈️
Zviri mukati:
- Travel information about Basel and Thun
- Expedition nemashoko
- Nzvimbo yeBasel guta
- Yakakwirira maonero eBasel chitima Chiteshi
- Map of Thun city
- Sky view of Thun train Station
- Map of the road between Basel and Thun
- General information
- Grid
Travel information about Basel and Thun
We googled ari paIndaneti kuwana mhedziso yakanakisisa nzira kuenda nezvitima kubva izvi 2 maguta, Basel, and Thun and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Basel Central Station and Thun station.
Travelling between Basel and Thun is an amazing experience, sezvo maguta ese ari maviri asingakanganwike show-nzvimbo uye zvinotyisa.
Expedition nemashoko
Minimum Price | €14.25 |
Maximum Mutengo | €14.25 |
Musiyano pakati High uye Low zvitima Price | 0% |
Zvitima Frequency | 39 |
Chitima chekutanga | 00:04 |
Chitima chekupedzisira | 22:58 |
Distance | 121 km |
Avhareji yenguva yeRwendo | Kubva 1h 23m |
Kubva pachiteshi | Basel Central Station |
Kusvika Station | Thun Station |
Rudzi rwetikiti | E-Tiketi |
Kumhanya | Ehe |
Chitima Kirasi | 1st/2nd |
Basel Rail chiteshi
Sechinhanho chinotevera, unofanirwa kuhodha tikiti rekufamba kwako nechitima, saka heano mamwe akanakisa mitengo yekuwana nechitima kubva kuzviteshi Basel Central Station, Thun station:
1. Saveatrain.com
2. Virail.com
3. B-europe.com
4. Onlytrain.com
Basel inzvimbo yakanaka yekushanyira saka tinoda kugoverana newe zvimwe chokwadi pamusoro payo izvo zvatakaunganidza kubva. Google
Basel-Stadt kana Basle-City ndeimwe yema 26 cantons inoumba Swiss Confederation. Iyo inoumbwa nemakanzuru matatu uye guta rayo guru iBasel. Zvinogara zvichinzi a “hafu-kantoni”, imwe hafu iri Basel-Landschaft, mumwe wavo wekumaruwa.
Mepu yeBasel guta kubva Google Mepu
Sky maonero eBasel chitima Chiteshi
Thun Rail station
and additionally about Thun, again we decided to fetch from Wikipedia as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Thun that you travel to.
Thun is a town near Lake Thun, in Switzerland’s Bernese Oberland region. Turreted Thun Castle, from the 1100s, stands on a hill above the old town. It has sweeping views of the Alps. The 14th-century City Church has an octagonal tower and a baroque hall. Thun Panorama, in lakeside Schadau Park, is a 19th-century, 360-degree painting of the town. Paddle steamers cruise Lake Thun to the resort town of Interlaken.
Map of Thun city from Google Maps
Bird’s eye view of Thun train Station
Map of the terrain between Basel to Thun
Kufamba chinhambwe nechitima ndiko 121 km
Mari inoshandiswa muBasel is Swiss franc – CHF
Bills accepted in Thun are Swiss franc – CHF
Voltage inoshanda muBasel i230V
Electricity that works in Thun is 230V
DzidzisaTravel Grid yeChitima Matikiti Mawebhusaiti
Tarisa Grid Yedu yepamusoro Tekinoroji Chitima Kufamba Mapuratifomu.
Tinowanisa vakwikwidzi zvichienderana nezvibodzwa, nyore, performances, wongororo, kumhanya uye zvimwe zvinhu pasina rusaruro uye zvakare mapindiro kubva kune vatengi, pamwe chete neruzivo kubva ku online masosi uye masocial mawebhusaiti. Yakasanganiswa, zvibodzwa izvi zvakaiswa mepu pane yedu proprietary Grid kana Girafu, iyo yaunogona kushandisa kuenzanisa sarudzo, kuvandudza nzira yekutenga, uye nekukurumidza kuona mhinduro dzepamusoro.
Kuvapo Kwemusika
- saveatrain
- utachiona
- b-Europe
- onlytrain
Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Basel to Thun, uye tinovimba kuti ruzivo rwedu ruchakubatsira mukuronga rwendo rwako rwechitima uye kuita sarudzo dzakadzidziswa, Nakidzwa
Kwaziwai zita rangu ndinonzi Edward, kubva ndichiri mucheche ndaiva muongorori ndinoongorora pasi rose nemaonero angu, Ndinotaura nyaya yakanaka, Ndinovimba kuti wakada nyaya yangu, sunungukai kunditumira meseji
Iwe unogona kusaina pano kuti ugamuchire mazano nezve mafambiro mazano kutenderera pasirese