Travel Recommendation between Rouen to Le Havre

Nthawi Yowerengera: 5 mphindi

Zasinthidwa Komaliza pa Seputembala 21, 2021

Gulu: France


Maganizo omwe amatanthauzira kuyenda kwa masitima ndi malingaliro athu: 🌇


  1. Travel information about Rouen and Le Havre
  2. Yendani ndi manambala
  3. Location of Rouen city
  4. High view of Rouen Rive Droite train Station
  5. Mapu a mzinda wa Le Havre
  6. Sky view ya Le Havre Sitima yapamtunda
  7. Map of the road between Rouen and Le Havre
  8. Zina zambiri
  9. Gridi

Travel information about Rouen and Le Havre

Tidasanthula intaneti kuti tipeze njira zabwino kwambiri zopitilira sitima zapamtunda izi 2 mizinda, Rouen, and Le Havre and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Rouen Rive Droite and Le Havre.

Travelling between Rouen and Le Havre is an amazing experience, popeza mizindayi ili ndi malo owonetserako zosaiwalika.

Yendani ndi manambala
Kupanga Base€ 5.26
Mtengo Wapamwamba€10.09
Ndalama pakati pa Maximum ndi Minimum Train Fare47.87%
Kuchuluka kwa Sitima patsiku21
Sitima yam'mawa06:10
Sitima yamadzulo22:05
Mtunda89 Km
Nthawi Yoyenda YokhazikikaKu 46m
Malo OyambiraMalingaliro a kampani Rouen Right Bank
Pofika MaloLe Havre
Mafotokozedwe a zolembaZam'manja
Likupezeka tsiku lililonse✔️
Kupanga maguluYoyamba/Yachiwiri

table-layout: fixed

Monga gawo lotsatira, muyenera kuyitanitsa tikiti yapaulendo wanu pasitima, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Rouen Rive Droite, Le Havre:

Save A Phunzitsani kampani ili ku Netherlands
Bizinesi ya Virail ili ku The Netherlands
Bizinesi ya B-Europe ili ku Belgium
maphunziro okha
Kampani ya sitima yokhayo ili ku Belgium

Rouen is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Google

Rouen, capitale de la Normandie, une région du nord de la France, est une ville portuaire sur la Seine. Importante cité au temps des Romains ou au Moyen-Âge, elle possède des églises gothiques, comme Saint-Maclou et Saint-Ouen, ainsi qu’un centre piéton aux ruelles pavées, doté de maisons médiévales à colombages. La ligne d’horizon est dominée par les flèches de la cathédrale Notre-Dame, de nombreuses fois représentée par le peintre impressionniste Claude Monet.

Map of Rouen city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Rouen Rive Droite train Station

Le Havre Rail station

and additionally about Le Havre, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Le Havre that you travel to.

Le Havre is a major port in northern France’s Normandy region, where the Seine River meets the English Channel. It’s joined to the city across the estuary, Honfleur, by the Pont de Normandie cable-stayed bridge. Following WWII, Le Havre’s heavily damaged city center was famously redesigned by Belgian architect Auguste Perret. Today it features many landmark examples of reinforced-concrete architecture.

Map of Le Havre city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Le Havre train Station

Map of the travel between Rouen and Le Havre

Ulendo mtunda ndi sitima ndi 89 Km

Currency used in Rouen is Euro – €

Ndalama yaku France

Bills accepted in Le Havre are Euro – €

Ndalama yaku France

Power that works in Rouen is 230V

Magetsi omwe amagwira ntchito ku Le Havre ndi 230V

Phunzitsani Ma Gridi a Sitima Zapama Tikiti a Sitimayi

Pezani apa Gridi Yathu yapamwamba Mawebusayiti Oyenda Pamaphunziro Aukadaulo.

Timalemba masanjidwe potengera ndemanga, zigoli, kuphweka, liwiro, machitidwe ndi zinthu zina popanda tsankho komanso mawonekedwe ochokera kwa makasitomala, komanso chidziwitso chochokera pa intaneti komanso masamba ochezera. Kuphatikiza, zigolizi zajambulidwa pagulu lathu kapena Graph, zomwe mungagwiritse ntchito kulinganiza zosankha, onjezerani ndondomeko yogula, ndipo onani mwachangu mayankho apamwamba.

Kukhalapo Kwa Msika

  • saveatrain
  • kachilombo
  • b-ulaya
  • maphunziro okha


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Rouen to Le Havre, ndipo tikukhulupirira kuti zambiri zathu zidzakuthandizani pokonzekera ulendo wanu sitima ndi kupanga zisankho ophunzira, Sangalalani


Moni dzina langa ndine Aaron, Kuyambira ndili mwana ndinali wolota ndimayenda padziko lonse lapansi ndi maso anga, Ndikunena nkhani yowona ndi yowona, Ndikukhulupirira kuti mwakonda malingaliro anga, omasuka kundilankhula

Mutha kuyika zidziwitso apa kuti mulandire malingaliro pazomwe mungayende padziko lonse lapansi

Lowani nawo kalata yathu yamakalata