Travel Recommendation between Milan to Pavia 2

Wā Panui: 5 meneti

Whakahoutanga whakamutunga i Akuhata 25, 2021

Kāwai: Itari


Nga kare-a-roto e tautuhi ana i te tereina tereina ta maatau titiro: 🚆


  1. Travel information about Milan and Pavia
  2. Haere ma nga tau
  3. Te waahi o te taone nui o Milan
  4. Te tirohanga teitei o te teihana tereina o Milan
  5. Map of Pavia city
  6. Sky view of Pavia train Station
  7. Map of the road between Milan and Pavia
  8. Nga korero whanui
  9. Mātiti

Travel information about Milan and Pavia

I tirotirohia e matou te paetukutuku ki te rapu huarahi tino pai ki te haere ma runga tereina mai i enei 2 taone nui, Milan, and Pavia and we saw that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Milan Central Station and Pavia station.

Travelling between Milan and Pavia is an amazing experience, i te mea he maumahara ki nga taone nui nga whakaaturanga me nga tirohanga.

Haere ma nga tau
Raro Raro€4.21
Te Moni Teitei€4.21
Ka penapena i waenga i te utu tereina morahi me te iti rawa0%
Te nui o nga tereina ia ra15
Te tereina tuatahi10:25
Tereina hou17:05
Tawhiti43 km
Wā Haerenga WaenganuiMai i te 23m
Tauwāhi weheMilan Central Station
Taunga TauwāhiPavia Station
Whakaahuatanga tuhingaHikohiko
Kei te waatea ia ra✔️

Teihana tereina o Milan

Hei taahiraa e whai ake nei, me tono e koe he tiiti mo to haerenga ma runga tereina, na konei etahi utu iti hei tiki ma runga tereina mai i nga teihana Milan Central Station, Pavia station:

Ko te pakihi Tiaki Tereine kei te Netherlands
Ko te pakihi Virail kei te Netherlands
Ko te pakihi B-Europe kei Belgium
tereina anake
Ko te pakihi tereina anake kei Belgium

He waahi ataahua a Milan ki te toro atu no reira e hiahia ana matou ki te whakapuaki ki a koe etahi korero mo taua mea i kohia e matou Google

Milan, he taone nui i te rohe raki o Lombardy o Itari, he whakapaipai o te ao mo te ahua me te hoahoa. Te kainga ki te tauhokohoko o te motu, he whare putea e mohiotia ana mo ana wharekai me ana toa. Ko te whare karakia Gothic Duomo di Milano me te whare karakia o Santa Maria delle Grazie, whare ko Leonardo da Vinci te mural "Te Hapa Whakamutunga,” e whakaatu ana mo nga rau tau o te toi me te ahurea.

Te waahi o te taone nui o Milan mai Mahere Google

Te tirohanga teitei o te teihana tereina o Milan

Pavia Rail station

and also about Pavia, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Pavia that you travel to.

DescrizionePavia è una città a sud di Milano, in Italia. È nota per la Certosa di Pavia, un complesso monastico rinascimentale, con sculture e affreschi, situata a nord della città. Nel centro città, la secolare Università di Pavia ospita il Museo per la storia dell’Università, che espone attrezzature scientifiche e medicali che risalgono al Medioevo. L’università ha un giardino botanico con rose e piante medicinali.

Map of Pavia city from Google Maps

Sky view of Pavia train Station

Map of the road between Milan and Pavia

Ko te tawhiti haerenga ma te tereina 43 km

Ko nga moni e whakamahia ana i Milan ko te Euro – €

moni Itari

Currency used in Pavia is Euro – €

moni Itari

Ko te hiko e mahi ana i Milan ko 230V

Voltage that works in Pavia is 230V

EducateTravel Grid mo nga Papa Tikiti Tereina

Kimihia i konei To tatou Matiti mo te runga Hangarau Hangarau Haerenga Rongoa.

Ka tohua e matou nga kaitono i runga i nga arotake, kaute, whakaaturanga, ngawari, te tere me etahi atu mea kaore he kino me te kohia mai i nga kaiwhakamahi, me nga korero mai i nga puna ipurangi me nga hononga hapori. Tahi, kua mapi enei kaute i runga i ta maatau Matiti, Kauwhata ranei, ka taea e koe te whakamahi hei whakataurite i nga whiringa, whakakaha i te tukanga hoko, me te tautuhi tere i nga hua tino pai.

Te aroaro o te maakete

Te pai

We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Milan to Pavia, ana ko te tumanako ko a maatau korero ka awhina i a koe ki te whakamahere i to haerenga tereina me te whakatau whakaaro nui, whakangahau


Hi my name is Lewis, mai i taku tamarikitanga he rereke ahau ka kite ahau i nga whenua me taku ake tirohanga, Ka korero ahau i tetahi korero whakamiharo, E whakapono ana ahau i pai koe ki aku kupu me aku pikitia, Tena koa ki te imeera ki ahau

Ka taea te hainatanga ki konei kia whiwhi whakaaro mo nga whakaaro haerere huri noa i te ao

Hono mai ki ta maatau panui