Tohutohu Haerenga i waenga i a Livorno ki Roma 2

Wā Panui: 5 meneti

Whakahoutanga whakamutunga i Akuhata 26, 2021

Kāwai: Itari


Nga kare-a-roto e tautuhi ana i te tereina tereina ta maatau titiro: 🚆


  1. Travel information about Livorno and Rome
  2. Haere ma nga tau
  3. Location of Livorno city
  4. High view of Livorno train Station
  5. Mapi o te taone nui o Roma
  6. Rangi tirohanga o te teihana tereina Roma
  7. Map of the road between Livorno and Rome
  8. Nga korero whanui
  9. Mātiti

Travel information about Livorno and Rome

I tirotirohia e matou te paetukutuku ki te rapu huarahi tino pai ki te haere ma runga tereina mai i enei 2 taone nui, Leghorn, me Roma a i kite matou ko te huarahi tika ki te timata i to haerenga tereina ko enei teihana, Livorno Central Station and Rome station.

Travelling between Livorno and Rome is an amazing experience, i te mea he maumahara ki nga taone nui nga whakaaturanga me nga tirohanga.

Haere ma nga tau
Utu Iti€15.62
Utu Morahi€23.94
Te rereketanga i waenga i te utu tereina teitei me te iti34.75%
Tereina Auautanga27
Tereina tuatahi04:00
Tereina whakamutunga22:58
Tawhiti338 km
Te Waa HaerengaMai i te 2h 41m
Te Teihana WhakarereLivorno Central Station
Te Taunga TeihanaTeihana Roma
Momo tikitiPDF
Rere anaAe
Karaehe Tereina1st/2nd

Livorno Rail station

Hei taahiraa e whai ake nei, me tono e koe he tiiti mo to haerenga ma runga tereina, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Livorno Central Station, Teihana Roma:

Tiaki He kamupene tereina kei roto i te Netherlands
Ko te kamupene Virail kei te Netherlands
Ko te kamupene B-Europe kei Belgium
tereina anake
Ko te kamupene tereina anake kei Belgium

Livorno is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have collected from Google

DescrizioneLivorno è una città portuale italiana sulla costa occidentale della Toscana. È conosciuta per le specialità di pesce, le fortificazioni rinascimentali e il porto moderno per navi da crociera. La Terrazza Mascagni centrale, un viale lungo il mare con pavimento a scacchiera, è il punto di ritrovo principale della città. I bastioni della Fortezza Vecchia del XVI secolo si affacciano sul porto e si aprono sul quartiere Venezia Nuova di Livorno.

Map of Livorno city from Mahere Google

Bird’s eye view of Livorno train Station

Te teihana tereina o Roma

me Roma hoki, ka whakatau ano maatau ki te kawe mai i a Google maana koinei pea te maataapuna korero pono me te pono mo nga mea hei mahi ki Roma e haere ana koe.

Ko Roma te taone nui me te haerenga motuhake o Itari, me te taone nui o te rohe Lazio. Ko te taone nui tenei kua noho hei nohoanga tangata tata atu ki te toru mano tau. Ki te 2,860,009 kainoho i 1,285 km², koinei hoki te kaute rongonui o te whenua.

Tauwāhi o te taone o Roma mai i nga Mahere Google

Te tirohanga teitei o te teihana tereina o Roma

Map of the travel between Livorno and Rome

Ko te tawhiti haerenga ma te tereina 338 km

Bills accepted in Livorno are Euro – €

moni Itari

Ko nga moni e whakamahia ana i Roma ko te Euro – €

moni Itari

Electricity that works in Livorno is 230V

Ko te mana e mahi ana i Roma ko te 230V

EducateTravel Grid mo nga Paetukutuku Tikiti Tereina

Tirohia ta maatau Matiti mo nga Paetukutuku Haerenga Tereina Hangarau runga.

Ka tohua e matou nga tumanako i runga i te tere, ngawari, kaute, arotake, mahingawari, whakaaturanga, arotake, tere, nga kaute me etahi atu mea karekau he whakapae me te kohi raraunga mai i nga kaiwhakamahi, me nga korero mai i nga puna ipurangi me nga papaapori. Tahi, kua mapi enei kaute i runga i ta maatau Matiti, Kauwhata ranei, ka taea e koe te whakamahi hei whakataurite i nga whiringa, whakakaha i te tukanga hoko, me te tautuhi tere i nga whiringa pai.

Te aroaro o te maakete

Te pai

We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Livorno to Rome, ana ko te tumanako ko a maatau korero ka awhina i a koe ki te whakamahere i to haerenga tereina me te whakatau whakaaro nui, whakangahau


Tena koe ko Franklin toku ingoa, mai i ahau e pepi ana he kaihōpara ahau ka torotoro ahau i te ao me taku ake tirohanga, Ka korerotia e ahau he korero ataahua, E whakapono ana ahau i pai koe ki taku korero, Tena koa ki te panui mai ki ahau

Ka taea te hainatanga ki konei kia whiwhi whakaaro mo nga whakaaro haerere huri noa i te ao

Hono mai ki ta maatau panui