Whakahoutanga whakamutunga i Akuhata 20, 2021
Kāwai: BelgiumKaituhi: FRANK CONWAY
Nga kare-a-roto e tautuhi ana i te tereina tereina ta maatau titiro: 🏖
- Travel information about Antwerp and Namur
- Haere ma nga tau
- Te waahi o te taone nui o Antwerp
- Te tirohanga teitei o te teihana tereina o Antwerp
- Mapi o te taone nui o Namur
- Tirohanga rangi o te teihana tereina o Namur
- Map of the road between Antwerp and Namur
- Nga korero whanui
- Mātiti
Travel information about Antwerp and Namur
I rapu matou i te ipurangi ki te rapu huarahi pai ki te haere ma runga tereina i waenga i enei 2 taone nui, Antwerp, and Namur and we figures that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Antwerp Central Station and Namur station.
Travelling between Antwerp and Namur is an superb experience, i te mea he maumahara ki nga taone nui nga whakaaturanga me nga tirohanga.
Haere ma nga tau
Utu iti | €17.98 |
Utu Morahi | €17.98 |
Te rereketanga i waenga i te utu tereina teitei me te iti | 0% |
Tereina Auautanga | 34 |
Tereina tuatahi | 03:54 |
Tereina whakamutunga | 22:25 |
Tawhiti | 103 km |
Wawaenga Haerenga | Mai i te 1h 49m |
Te Teihana Whakarere | Teihana Central Antwerp |
Te Taunga Teihana | Namur Station |
Momo tikiti | E-Tikiti |
Rere ana | Ae |
Karaehe Tereina | 1st/2nd |
Te teihana tereina o Antwerp
Hei taahiraa e whai ake nei, me tono e koe he tiikiti tereina mo to haerenga, no reira he utu iti te utu ma runga tereina mai i nga teihana Antwerp Central Station, Namur teihana:
1. Saveatrain.com
2. Virail.com
3. B-europe.com
4. Onlytrain.com
He waahi whakamataku a Antwerp ki te kite na reira ka hiahia matou ki te whakapuaki ki a koe etahi korero mo taua mea i kohia e matou i Google
Ko Antwerp he taone tauranga kei te awa o Belgium o Scheldt, me nga hitori e pa ana ki te Middle Ages. I tona pokapū, kei te Takiwa Taimana nga rau tau e hia mano nga kaihokohoko taimana, kaitapahi me te whakaorapa. Ko te hoahoanga Flemish Renaissance o Antwerp e tohuhia ana e te Grote Markt, he tapawha waenganui i te taone tawhito. I te Whare Rubens o te rautau 17, Ko nga ruma o te waa e whakaatu ana i nga mahi a te kaipeita Flemish Baroque a Peter Paul Rubens.
Mapi o Antwerp pa mai Mahere Google
Te tirohanga teitei o te teihana tereina o Antwerp
Te teihana tereina o Namur
mo Namur hoki, again we decided to bring from Wikipedia as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Namur that you travel to.
Ko Namur te taone nui o te rohe o Wallonia o Belgium. Kei te huinga o nga awa o Meuse me Sambre ko te Citadel, he pa kaha no te tau waenga me te 7km o nga huarahi i raro i te whenua, māra, tirohanga me te whakapakoko koura o te honu nui. I te taone, ko te Whare Taonga o Felicien Rops e aro ana ki nga mahi o tenei rautau 1800, Namur-whanau toi erotic. Ko te baroque St. He pou mapere te whare karakia o Loup me te tuanui whakairo nui.
Te waahi o te taone nui o Namur mai Mahere Google
High view of Namur train Station
Map of the terrain between Antwerp to Namur
Ko te tawhiti haerenga ma te tereina 103 km
Ko nga moni e whakamahia ana i Antwerp he Euro – €
Ko nga moni e whakamahia ana i Namur he Euro – €
Ko te hiko e mahi ana i Antwerp he 230V
Ko te ngaohiko e mahi ana i Namur he 230V
EducateTravel Grid mo nga Paetukutuku Tikiti Tereina
Tirohia ta maatau Matiti mo nga Papahanga Haerenga Tereina Hangarau runga.
Ka piro matou i nga kaiwhakataetae i runga i nga kaute, tere, arotake, whakaaturanga, te ngawari me etahi atu mea kaore he kino me te whakauru mai i nga kaihoko, me nga korero mai i nga puna ipurangi me nga paetukutuku paapori. Whakakotahitia, kua mapi enei kaute i runga i ta maatau Matiti, Kauwhata ranei, ka taea e koe te whakamahi hei whakataurite i nga whiringa, whakapai ake i te tukanga hoko, ka tere kite i nga otinga o runga.
Te aroaro o te maakete
Te pai
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Antwerp to Namur, ana ko te tumanako ko a maatau korero ka awhina i a koe ki te whakamahere i to haerenga tereina me te whakatau whakaaro nui, whakangahau
Kia ora ko Frank toku ingoa, Mai i taku tamarikitanga he moemoea ahau ka haere ahau ki te ao me oku kanohi ake, Ka korerotia e ahau he korero pono me te pono, Ko taku tumanako i pai ki a koe taku tuhituhi, Tena koa whakapiri mai ki ahau
Ka taea e koe te tuku korero i konei kia whiwhi whakaaro ki nga whiringa haerenga puta noa i te ao