Travel Recommendation between Amsterdam to Lille

Wā Panui: 5 meneti

Whakahoutanga whakamutunga i Akuhata 27, 2021

Kāwai: Parani, Hōrana


Nga kare-a-roto e tautuhi ana i te tereina tereina ta maatau titiro: 🌇


  1. Travel information about Amsterdam and Lille
  2. Te haerenga ma nga whika
  3. Te waahi o te taone nui o Amsterdam
  4. Te tirohanga teitei o te teihana tereina o Amsterdam
  5. Map of Lille city
  6. Sky view of Lille Flandres train Station
  7. Map of the road between Amsterdam and Lille
  8. Nga korero whanui
  9. Mātiti

Travel information about Amsterdam and Lille

I tirotirohia e matou te paetukutuku ki te rapu huarahi tino pai ki te haere ma runga tereina mai i enei 2 taone nui, Amsterdam, and Lille and we saw that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Amsterdam Central Station and Lille Flandres.

Travelling between Amsterdam and Lille is an amazing experience, i te mea he maumahara ki nga taone nui nga whakaaturanga me nga tirohanga.

Te haerenga ma nga whika
Utu iti€36.13
Utu Morahi€36.13
Te rereketanga i waenga i te utu tereina teitei me te iti0%
Tereina Auautanga15
Tereina tuatahi02:51
Tereina whakamutunga20:25
Tawhiti144 maero (231 km)
Wawaenga HaerengaFrom 3h 36m
Te Teihana WhakarereAmsterdam Central Station
Te Taunga TeihanaLille Flanders
Momo tikitiE-Tikiti
Rere anaAe
Karaehe Tereina1st/2nd

Te teihana tereina o Amsterdam

Hei taahiraa e whai ake nei, me tono e koe he tiiti mo to haerenga ma runga tereina, na konei etahi utu iti hei tiki ma runga tereina mai i nga teihana Amsterdam Central Station, Lille Flanders:

Ko te pakihi Tiaki Tereine kei te Netherlands
Ko te pakihi Virail kei te Netherlands
Ko te pakihi B-Europe kei Belgium
tereina anake
Ko te kamupene tereina anake kei Belgium

He waahi ataahua a Amsterdam ki te toro atu no reira e hiahia ana matou ki te whakapuaki ki a koe etahi korero mo tera i kohia mai e matou Google

Ko Amsterdam te whakapaipai o te Netherlands, e mohiotia ana mo ona taonga toi, te punaha o te awa me nga whare whaiti me nga whaa whaanui, nga taonga tuku iho o te 17th-century Golden Age o te taone nui. Kei roto i tana Takiwa Whare Taonga te Van Gogh Museum, na Rembrandt raua ko Vermeer i mahi i te Rijksmuseum, me nga toi hou i te Stedelijk. Ko te paihikara te mea matua ki te ahua o te taone nui, a he maha nga huarahi paihikara.

Te waahi o te taone nui o Amsterdam mai Mahere Google

Tirohanga rangi o Amsterdam teihana tereina

Te teihana tereina o Lille Flandres

and also about Lille, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Lille that you travel to.

Lille est la capitale des Hauts-de-France, une région du nord de la France. Elle se trouve à proximité de la frontière belge. Aujourd’hui centre culturel et ville universitaire animée, elle fut autrefois une importante plateforme marchande des Flandres françaises, et de nombreuses influences flamandes demeurent encore. Le centre historique, le Vieux Lille, se caractérise par ses maisons de ville du XVIIe siècle en briques rouges, ses ruelles piétonnes pavées et sa Grand’Place centrale.

Location of Lille city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Lille Flandres train Station

Map of the terrain between Amsterdam to Lille

Ko te tawhiti katoa ma te tereina ko 144 maero (231 km)

Ko nga moni e whakamahia ana i Amsterdam he Euro – €

moni Netherlands

Money used in Lille is Euro – €

moni Parani

Ko te mana e mahi ana i Amsterdam ko 230V

Electricity that works in Lille is 230V

EducateTravel Grid mo nga Paetukutuku Tikiti Tereina

Tirohia ta maatau Matiti mo nga Papahanga Haerenga Tereina Hangarau runga.

Ka tohua e matou nga kaitono i runga i te tere, kaute, ngawari, arotake, nga whakaaturanga me etahi atu mea kaore he kino ka kohia mai i nga kaiwhakamahi, me nga korero mai i nga puna ipurangi me nga hononga hapori. Tahi, kua mapi enei kaute i runga i ta maatau Matiti, Kauwhata ranei, ka taea e koe te whakamahi hei whakataurite i nga whiringa, whakakaha i te tukanga hoko, me te tautuhi tere i nga hua tino pai.

  • whakaora
  • virail
  • b-europa
  • tereina anake

Te aroaro o te maakete

Te pai

We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Amsterdam to Lille, ana ko te tumanako ko a maatau korero ka awhina i a koe ki te whakamahere i to haerenga tereina me te whakatau whakaaro nui, whakangahau


Kia ora ko Frank toku ingoa, Mai i taku tamarikitanga he moemoea ahau ka haere ahau ki te ao me oku kanohi ake, Ka korerotia e ahau he korero pono me te pono, Ko taku tumanako i pai ki a koe taku tuhituhi, Tena koa whakapiri mai ki ahau

Ka taea e koe te rehita ki konei kia whiwhi tuhinga tuhinga mo nga huarahi haerenga huri noa i te ao

Hono mai ki ta maatau panui