Travel Recommendation between Verona to Bressanone

Fotoana famakiana: 5 minitra

Nohavaozina farany tamin'ny Aogositra 27, 2021

Sokajy: Italia

Mpanoratra: VICTOR STEIN

Fihetseham-po mamaritra ny dia amin'ny fiaran-dalamby no fijerinay: ️

Hevitra ato Anatiny:

  1. Travel information about Verona and Bressanone
  2. Mandehana amin'ny isa
  3. Location of Verona city
  4. High view of Verona Porta Nuova train Station
  5. Map of Bressanone city
  6. Sky view of Bressanone Brixen train Station
  7. Map of the road between Verona and Bressanone
  8. Fampahalalana ankapobeny
  9. Fefy

Travel information about Verona and Bressanone

Nikaroka ny tranonkala izahay mba hahitana ny fomba tsara indrindra handehanana lamasinina avy amin'ireo 2 tanàna, Verona, and Bressanone and we saw that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Verona Porta Nuova and Bressanone Brixen.

Travelling between Verona and Bressanone is an amazing experience, satria samy manana toerana fampisehoana sy fahitana tsy hay hadinoina ireo tanàna roa ireo.

Mandehana amin'ny isa
Vidiny ambany indrindra€16.66
Vidiny ambony indrindra€21.63
Ny fahasamihafana eo amin'ny vidin'ny fiaran-dalamby ambony sy ambany22.98%
Fiarandalamby matetika19
lamasinina voalohany04:20
lamasinina farany21:50
Elanelana94 kilaometatra (151 km)
Tombanana ny fotoana diaManomboka amin'ny 2h 1m
Toerana miaingaVerona Porta Nuova
Toerana fahatongavanaBressanone Brixen
Karazana tapakilaPDF

Verona Porta Nuova Train station

Toy ny dingana manaraka, tsy maintsy manafatra tapakila amin'ny dianao amin'ny lamasinina ianao, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Verona Porta Nuova, Bressanone Brixen:

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Verona is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have collected from Wikipedia

DescrizioneVerona è una città della regione Veneto, nel nord Italia. Il suo centro storico, costruito in un’ansa del fiume Adige, è di epoca medievale. Verona è conosciuta per essere la città di Romeo e Giulietta, i personaggi dell’opera di Shakespeare, e non a caso ospita un edificio del XVI secolo chiamatola casa di Giulietta”, con un delizioso balcone affacciato su un cortile. L’Arena di Verona, grande anfiteatro romano del primo secolo, ospita concerti e opere liriche.

Map of Verona city from Google Maps

Sky view of Verona Porta Nuova train Station

Bressanone Brixen Rail station

and also about Bressanone, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Bressanone that you travel to.

Brixen is a town in northern Italy. The baroque-style Cathedral of Brixen has a sumptuous marble interior. eo akaiky eo, the Chiostro di Bressanone is a Romanesque cloister with medieval frescoes. In the Bishop’s Palace, the Diocesan Museum exhibits medieval and Renaissance art, plus a collection of crèches. The Gothic White Tower features 4 bay windows. The Plose, a mountain to the southeast, has trails and ski slopes.

Map of Bressanone city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Bressanone Brixen train Station

Map of the terrain between Verona to Bressanone

Ny halaviran'ny lamasinina dia 94 kilaometatra (151 km)

Money accepted in Verona are Euro – €

Italiana vola

Bills accepted in Bressanone are Euro – €

Italiana vola

Power that works in Verona is 230V

Electricity that works in Bressanone is 230V

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Fanatrehana tsena

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Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Verona to Bressanone, ary manantena izahay fa hanampy anao amin'ny fandrindrana ny dianao amin'ny fiaran-dalamby sy ny fandraisana fanapahan-kevitra feno fahalalana ny fampahalalanay, maka fahafinaretana


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