Travel Recommendation between Voghera to Verona

Wacan Maca: 5 menit

Dianyari pungkasan ing Agustus 27, 2021

Babagan: Italia

Pengarang: MARCUS GUY

Emosi sing nemtokake lelungan sepur minangka pandangan kita: 😀


  1. Travel information about Voghera and Verona
  2. Lelungan kanthi rincian
  3. Location of Voghera city
  4. High view of Voghera train Station
  5. Peta kutha Verona
  6. Sky view of Verona Porta Vescovo train Station
  7. Map of the road between Voghera and Verona
  8. Informasi umum
  9. Grid

Travel information about Voghera and Verona

Kita nggoleki internet kanggo nemokake cara paling apik kanggo lelungan nganggo kreta ing antarane 2 kutha-kutha, Voghera, and Verona and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Voghera station and Verona Porta Vescovo.

Travelling between Voghera and Verona is an superb experience, amarga kalorone kutha duwe papan tontonan lan papan sing apik.

Lelungan kanthi rincian
Jumlah ngisor€3,78
Jumlah paling dhuwur€3,78
Ngirit antarane Tarif Sepur Maksimum lan Minimal0%
Jumlah Sepur dina16
Sepur paling awal04:46
Sepur paling anyar19:46
kadohan203 km
Wektu Travel MedianSaka 22m
Lokasi budhalVoghera Station
Lokasi TekanVerona Porta Vescovo
Deskripsi dokumenelektronik
Kasedhiya saben dina✔️

Voghera Train station

Minangka langkah sabanjure, sampeyan kudu pesen tiket sepur kanggo plancongan, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Voghera station, Verona Porta Vescovo:

Save A Train wiwitan adhedhasar ing Walanda
Wiwitan Virail dumunung ing Walanda
Perusahaan B-Europe adhedhasar ing Belgia
mung sepur
Mung perusahaan sepur adhedhasar ing Belgia

Voghera is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Wikipedia

Voghera is a town and comune in the Province of Pavia in the Italian region Lombardy. The population was 39,374 minangka saka 2017. It is the third most populated town in the province, after Pavia and Vigevano. Dumunung 30 km south-southwest of that city, on the Staffora.

Map of Voghera city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Voghera train Station

Verona Porta Vescovo Railway station

and additionally about Verona, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Verona that you travel to.

DeskripsiVerona è una città della regione Veneto, nel nord Italia. Il suo centro storico, costruito ing un'ansa del fiume Adige, ing epoca medieval. Verona è conosciuta per essere la citta ing Romeo lan Giulietta, aku dadi wong opera ing Shakespeare, lan ora ana caso ospita un edificio del XVI secolo chiamato “la casa di Giulietta”, con un delizioso balcone affacciato su un cortile. L'Arena ing Verona, grande anfiteatro romano del primo secolo, ospita konser lan opere liriche.

Location of Verona city from Google Maps

High view of Verona Porta Vescovo train Station

Map of the road between Voghera and Verona

Jarak total nganggo sepur yaiku 203 km

Currency used in Voghera is Euro – €

mata uang Italia

Tagihan sing ditampa ing Verona yaiku Euro – €

mata uang Italia

Voltage that works in Voghera is 230V

Electricity that works in Verona is 230V

EducateTravel Grid kanggo Situs web Tiket Sepur

Temokake ing kene Grid kanggo Solusi Perjalanan Sepur Teknologi ndhuwur.

Kita menehi skor prospek adhedhasar kesederhanaan, ulasan, skor, kacepetan, kinerja lan faktor liyane tanpa bias lan uga nglumpukake data saka pangguna, uga informasi saka sumber online lan platform sosial. bebarengan, skor iki dipetakan ing Grid utawa Graph kepemilikan kita, sing bisa digunakake kanggo mbandhingake pilihan, streamline proses tuku, lan cepet ngenali opsi sing paling apik.

  • saveatrain
  • viral
  • b-europa
  • mung sepur

Anane Pasar


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Voghera to Verona, lan kita ngarep-arep sing informasi bakal mbantu ing planning trip Sepur lan nggawe pancasan educated, seneng-seneng


Salam jenengku Marcus, Wiwit aku isih bayi aku ngimpi aku njelajah globe karo mripatku dhewe, Aku crita apik banget, Muga-muga sampeyan seneng karo sudut pandangku, bebas pesen aku

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