Dianyari pungkasan ing Agustus 21, 2021
Babagan: ItaliaPengarang: TERRANCE MCPHERSON
Emosi sing nemtokake lelungan sepur minangka pandangan kita: 🚆
- Travel information about Rome and Spoleto
- Journey dening tokoh
- Lokasi kutha Roma
- Pemandangan dhuwur saka Stasiun sepur Airport Rome Fiumicino
- Map of Spoleto city
- Sky view of Spoleto train Station
- Map of the road between Rome and Spoleto
- Informasi umum
- Grid

Travel information about Rome and Spoleto
We googled web kanggo nemokake cara Absolute paling apik kanggo pindhah dening sepur saka iki 2 kutha-kutha, Roma, and Spoleto and we saw that the right way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Airport Rome Fiumicino and Spoleto station.
Travelling between Rome and Spoleto is an amazing experience, amarga kalorone kutha duwe papan tontonan lan papan sing apik.
Journey dening tokoh
Rega minimal | € 18,28 |
Rega maksimum | € 18,28 |
Bentenipun antarane High lan Low sepur Price | 0% |
Frekuensi Sepur | 15 |
Sepur pisanan | 06:12 |
Sepur pungkasan | 18:57 |
kadohan | 131 km |
Wektu Perjalanan Rata-rata | Saka 2h 15m |
Stasiun mangkat | Bandara Roma Fiumicino |
Tekan Stasiun | Spoleto Station |
Tipe tiket | E-Tiket |
mlaku | ya wis |
Kelas Sepur | 1st/2nd |
Bandara Roma stasiun Sepur Fiumicino
Minangka langkah sabanjure, sampeyan kudu pesen tiket kanggo plancongan nganggo kereta, so here are some cheap prices to get by train from the stations Airport Rome Fiumicino, Spoleto station:
1. Saveatrain.com

2. Virail.com

3. B-europe.com

4. Onlytrain.com

Roma minangka kutha sing rame, mula kita pengin nuduhake sawetara informasi babagan iki sing wis diklumpukake Wikipedia
Roma minangka ibu kutha lan komune khusus Italia, uga ibukutha wilayah Lazio. Kutha iki dadi pemukiman utama manungsa udakara telung milenium. Kanthi 2,860,009 warga ing 1,285 km², iku uga komune sing paling akeh penduduk ing negara kasebut.
Lokasi kutha Roma saka Google Maps
Bird’s eye view of Airport Rome Fiumicino train Station
Spoleto Train station
and additionally about Spoleto, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Spoleto that you travel to.
Spoleto is a city in Umbria, Italia. It’s surrounded by hills, olive groves and vineyards. Tanggalan saka abad kaping 12, Spoleto Cathedral has a porticoed facade embellished by a mosaic. Inside is a cycle of frescoes by the medieval artist Filippo Lippi. The National Archaeological Museum complex displays items from the Bronze Age and Roman times. It also includes the restored Roman Theater.
Map of Spoleto city from Google Maps
Bird’s eye view of Spoleto train Station
Map of the terrain between Rome to Spoleto
Jarak lelungan kanthi sepur yaiku 131 km
Dhuwit sing ditampa ing Roma yaiku Euro – €

Currency used in Spoleto is Euro – €

Tegangan sing dianggo ing Roma yaiku 230V
Voltage that works in Spoleto is 230V
EducateTravel Grid kanggo Situs web Tiket Sepur
Priksa Grid Kita kanggo Platform Travel Sepur Teknologi paling dhuwur.
Kita menehi skor prospek adhedhasar review, pagelaran, kacepetan, kesederhanaan, skor lan faktor liyane tanpa bias lan uga dikumpulake data saka pangguna, uga informasi saka sumber online lan platform sosial. bebarengan, skor iki dipetakan ing Grid utawa Graph kepemilikan kita, sing bisa digunakake kanggo mbandhingake pilihan, streamline proses tuku, lan cepet ngenali opsi sing paling apik.
Anane Pasar
- saveatrain
- viral
- b-europa
- mung sepur
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Rome to Spoleto, lan kita ngarep-arep informasi sing bakal mbantu sampeyan ngrancang plancongan lan njupuk keputusan sing luwih wicaksana, seneng-seneng

Halo jenengku Terrance, Wiwit cilik aku dadi wong ngimpi, aku lelungan ing jagad iki kanthi mripatku dhewe, Aku crita sing jujur lan bener, Muga-muga sampeyan seneng karo sudut pandangku, aran gratis kanggo hubungi kula
Sampeyan bisa ndhaptar ing kene kanggo nampa artikel blog babagan kesempatan lelungan ing saindenging jagad