Travel Recommendation between Lille to Lyon

Wacan Maca: 5 menit

Dianyari pungkasan ing Agustus 24, 2021

Babagan: Prancis


Emosi sing nemtokake lelungan sepur minangka pandangan kita: ️


  1. Travel information about Lille and Lyon
  2. Journey dening tokoh
  3. Location of Lille city
  4. High view of Lille Europe train Station
  5. Peta kutha Lyon
  6. Sky view of Lyon Part Dieu train Station
  7. Map of the road between Lille and Lyon
  8. Informasi umum
  9. Grid

Travel information about Lille and Lyon

Kita nggoleki internet kanggo nemokake cara paling apik kanggo lelungan nganggo kreta ing antarane 2 kutha-kutha, Lille, and Lyon and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Lille Europe and Lyon Part Dieu.

Travelling between Lille and Lyon is an superb experience, amarga kalorone kutha duwe papan tontonan lan papan sing apik.

Journey dening tokoh
Biaya paling murah€ 23,08
Biaya maksimum€104.28
Bentenipun antarane High lan Low sepur Price77.87%
Frekuensi Sepur13
Sepur paling awal05:26
Sepur paling anyar20:52
kadohan695 km
Perkiraan wektu PerjalananSaka 2h 57m
Lokasi budhalLille Eropah
Lokasi TekanLyon Part Dieu
Tipe tiketPDF
mlakuya wis

Stasiun sepur Lille Eropah

Minangka langkah sabanjure, sampeyan kudu pesen tiket sepur kanggo plancongan, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Lille Europe, Lyon Part Dieu:

Bisnis Save A Train dununge ing Walanda
Perusahaan Virail adhedhasar ing Walanda
Perusahaan B-Europe adhedhasar ing Belgia
mung sepur
Mung wiwitan Sepur dumunung ing Belgia

Lille is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Wikipedia

Lille est la capitale des Hauts-de-France, une region du Nord de la France. Elle se trouve à proximité de la frontière belge. Aujourd’hui centre culturel et ville universitaire animée, elle fut autrefois une importante plateforme marchande des Flandres françaises, et de nombreuses influences flamandes demeurent encore. Le centre historique, le Vieux Lille, se caractérise par ses maisons de ville du XVIIe siècle en briques rouges, ses ruelles piétonnes pavées et sa Grand’Place centrale.

Location of Lille city from Google Maps

High view of Lille Europe train Station

Stasiun Lyon Part Dieu

and additionally about Lyon, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Lyon that you travel to.

Lyon, ville française de la région historique Rhône-Alpes, se trouve à la jonction du Rhône et de la Saône. Putra tengah témoigne de 2 000 lan sajarah, avec son amphithéâtre romain des Trois Gaules, l'arsitektur médiévale lan Renaissance du Vieux Lyon lan modernitas saka kuarter de la Confluence sur la Presqu'île. Les Traboules, peranganing couverts entre les immeubles, gumantung ing Vieux Lyon à la colline de La Croix-Rousse.

Map of Lyon city from Google Maps

Pemandangan dhuwur saka stasiun sepur Lyon Part Dieu

Map of the trip between Lille to Lyon

Jarak total nganggo sepur yaiku 695 km

Currency used in Lille is Euro – €

mata uang Prancis

Tagihan sing ditampa ing Lyon yaiku Euro – €

mata uang Prancis

Power that works in Lille is 230V

Daya sing bisa digunakake ing Lyon yaiku 230V

EducateTravel Grid kanggo Situs web Tiket Sepur

Temokake ing kene Grid kanggo Solusi Perjalanan Sepur Teknologi ndhuwur.

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  • viral
  • b-europa
  • mung sepur

Anane Pasar


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Lille to Lyon, lan kita ngarep-arep informasi sing bakal mbantu sampeyan ngrancang plancongan lan njupuk keputusan sing luwih wicaksana, seneng-seneng


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