Travel Recommendation between Lille to Paris 2

Oge Ọgụgụ: 5 Nkeji

Emelitere ikpeazụ na Ọgọst 27, 2021

Otu: France


Uche na-akọwa ụgbọ okporo ígwè njem bụ echiche anyị: 🚆


  1. Travel information about Lille and Paris
  2. Njem site na ọnụ ọgụgụ
  3. Location of Lille city
  4. High view of Lille Europe train Station
  5. Map nke obodo Paris
  6. Echiche elu igwe nke ọdụ ụgbọ oloko Paris Charles De Gaulle CDG
  7. Map of the road between Lille and Paris
  8. ozi izugbe
  9. Grid

Travel information about Lille and Paris

Anyị googled na online ịchọta kpam kpam ụzọ kasị mma isi na-aga site ụgbọ oloko ndị a 2 obodo, Lille, na Paris ma anyị hụrụ na ụzọ kachasị mfe bụ ịmalite njem ụgbọ oloko gị bụ na ọdụ ndị a, Lille Europe and Paris Charles De Gaulle CDG Airport.

Travelling between Lille and Paris is an amazing experience, dị ka ma obodo nwere echefu echefu show-ebe na nlegharị anya.

Njem site na ọnụ ọgụgụ
Ime ntọala€10.65
Ọnụ ego kacha elu€10.65
Ego n'etiti ụgbọ oloko kacha na kacha nta0%
Ọnụ ego ụgbọ oloko otu ụbọchị13
Ụgbọ oloko ụtụtụ04:39
Ụgbọ okporo ígwè mgbede20:49
Anya223 km
Oge njem ọkọlọtọSite na 50m
Ebe ọpụpụLille Europe
Ebe obibiỌdụ ụgbọ elu Paris Charles De Gaulle Cdg
Nkọwa akwụkwọMobile
Dị kwa ụbọchị✔️
Ịchịkọta ọnụMbụ/ Abụọ/Azụmahịa

ọdụ ụgbọ oloko Lille Europe

Dị ka nzọụkwụ ọzọ, ị ga-ịtụ a tiketi maka njem gị ụgbọ okporo ígwè, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Lille Europe, Ọdụ ụgbọ elu Paris Charles De Gaulle CDG:

Companylọ ọrụ Save A Train dị na Netherlands
Mmalite Virail dabere na Netherlands
Azụmahịa B-Europe dị na Belgium
naanị ụgbọ oloko
Naanị azụmahịa ụgbọ oloko dị na Belgium

Lille is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have gathered from Wikipedia

Lille est la capitale des Hauts-de-France, une région du nord de la France. Elle se trouve à proximité de la frontière belge. Aujourd’hui centre culturel et ville universitaire animée, elle fut autrefois une importante plateforme marchande des Flandres françaises, et de nombreuses influences flamandes demeurent encore. Le centre historique, le Vieux Lille, se caractérise par ses maisons de ville du XVIIe siècle en briques rouges, ses ruelles piétonnes pavées et sa Grand’Place centrale.

Location of Lille city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Lille Europe train Station

Paris Charles De Gaulle ọdụ ụgbọ oloko CDG

na ihe gbasara Paris, ọzọ, anyị kpebiri ị nweta site na Tripadvisor dị ka ebe kachasị mkpa na nke a pụrụ ịdabere na ya maka ozi gbasara ihe ị ga-eme na Paris nke ị na-aga na ya..

Paris, isi obodo France, bụ isi obodo Europe na etiti zuru ụwa ọnụ maka nka, ejiji, gastronomy na omenala. Okirikiri obodo ya na narị afọ nke 19 bụ nnukwu nnukwu ọnụ mmiri na Osimiri Seine gafere.. Na-agafe akara ngosi dị ka ụlọ elu Eiffel na narị afọ nke 12, Gothic Katidral Notre-Dame, A maara obodo ahụ maka omenala cafe ya na ụlọ ahịa ndị na-emepụta ihe n'akụkụ Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré..

Map of Paris city from Google Maps

Echiche elu igwe nke ọdụ ụgbọ oloko Paris Charles De Gaulle CDG

Map of the travel between Lille and Paris

Ogologo njem site na ụgbọ oloko bụ 223 km

Currency used in Lille is Euro – €

ego France

Ego eji na Paris bụ Euro – €

ego France

Power that works in Lille is 230V

Voltaji na-arụ ọrụ na Paris bụ 230V

EducateTravel Grid maka Weebụsaịtị Tiketi ụgbọ oloko

Lelee Grid anyị maka nyiwe njem ụgbọ oloko teknụzụ kachasị elu.

Anyị na-agba ndị ọkwa ọkwa dabere na arụmọrụ, akara, ọsọ, nyocha, ịdị mfe na ihe ndị ọzọ na-enweghị ajọ mbunobi yana ụdị sitere na ndị ahịa, yana ozi sitere na isi mmalite na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ na-elekọta mmadụ. Ejikọtara, A na-edepụta akara ndị a na Grid ma ọ bụ eserese anyị, nke ị nwere ike iji dozie nhọrọ, melite usoro ịzụrụ, na ngwa ngwa hụ ihe ngwọta kachasị elu.

Ọnụ ahịa ahịa

  • zọpụtara
  • virail
  • b-euro
  • naanị ụgbọ oloko

Afọ ojuju

We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Lille to Paris, na anyị nwere olileanya na ozi anyị ga - enyere gị aka ịhazi njem ụgbọ oloko gị na ime mkpebi amamihe, nwee anụrị


Ndewo aha m bụ Andre, Kemgbe m bụ nwata, m bụ ndị na-arọ nrọ, m na-eji anya nke m aga ụwa, M na-akọ akụkọ eziokwu na eziokwu, Enwere m olileanya na ederede m masịrị gị, nweere onwe gị ịkpọtụrụ m

Ị nwere ike ịdebanye aha ebe a ka ị nweta akụkọ blọgụ gbasara ohere njem na gburugburu ụwa

Soro akwụkwọ akụkọ anyị