Nkwanye njem n'etiti Fidenza gaa Massarosa

Oge Ọgụgụ: 5 Nkeji

Emelitere ikpeazụ na Ọgọst 27, 2021

Otu: .Tali


Uche na-akọwa ụgbọ okporo ígwè njem bụ echiche anyị: 🚌


  1. Travel information about Fidenza and Massarosa
  2. Njem site na nkọwa
  3. Location of Fidenza city
  4. High view of Fidenza train Station
  5. Map of Massarosa city
  6. Sky view of Massarosa Bozzano train Station
  7. Map of the road between Fidenza and Massarosa
  8. ozi izugbe
  9. Grid

Travel information about Fidenza and Massarosa

Anyị googled na online ịchọta kpam kpam ụzọ kasị mma isi na-aga site ụgbọ oloko ndị a 2 obodo, Fidenza, and Massarosa and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Fidenza station and Massarosa Bozzano.

Travelling between Fidenza and Massarosa is an amazing experience, dị ka ma obodo nwere echefu echefu show-ebe na nlegharị anya.

Njem site na nkọwa
Ọnụ ego ala€26.54
Ọnụ ego kacha elu€26.54
Ego n'etiti ụgbọ oloko kacha na kacha nta0%
Ọnụ ego ụgbọ oloko otu ụbọchị12
Ụgbọ oloko ụtụtụ05:13
Ụgbọ okporo ígwè mgbede19:38
Anya162 km
Oge njem etitiFrom 5h 16m
Ebe ọpụpụFidenza Station
Ebe obibiMassarosa Bozzano
Nkọwa akwụkwọEletrọnịkị
Dị kwa ụbọchị✔️
Ịchịkọta ọnụMbụ/ Abụọ

Fidenza Rail station

Dị ka nzọụkwụ ọzọ, ị ga-ịtụ a tiketi maka njem gị ụgbọ okporo ígwè, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Fidenza station, Massarosa Bozzano:

1. Saveatrain.com
Save A Train mmalite sitere na Netherlands
2. Virail.com
Azụmahịa Virail dị na Netherlands
3. B-europe.com
Mmalite nke B-Europe dabeere na Belgium
4. Onlytrain.com
naanị ụgbọ oloko
Naanị mmalite ụgbọ oloko dị na Belgium

Fidenza is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Wikipedia

DescrizioneFidenza è un comune italiano di 26 893 abitanti della provincia di Parma in Emilia-Romagna, secondo per popolazione e importanza solamente al capoluogo. È sede del Consiglio dell’Associazione intercomunale Terre Verdiane.

Map of Fidenza city from Google Maps

High view of Fidenza train Station

Massarosa Bozzano Railway station

and also about Massarosa, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Massarosa that you travel to.

DescrizioneMassarosa è un comune italiano di 21 599 ndị bi na mpaghara Lucca na Tuscany. Nel 1869 fu decretata l’istituzione del comune di Massarosa, prima territorio amministrato da Viareggio, n'ime 1870 il decreto fu applicato, con grandi polemiche

Map of Massarosa city from Google Maps

High view of Massarosa Bozzano train Station

Map of the trip between Fidenza to Massarosa

Ogologo njem site na ụgbọ oloko bụ 162 km

Money used in Fidenza is Euro – €

Ego Italy

Money accepted in Massarosa are Euro – €

Ego Italy

Electricity that works in Fidenza is 230V

Power that works in Massarosa is 230V

EducateTravel Grid maka Platform Ịnye Tiketi ụgbọ oloko

Lelee Grid anyị maka weebụsaịtị njem ụgbọ oloko teknụzụ kachasị elu.

Anyị na-akara atụmanya dabere na ọsọ, nyocha, akara, mfe, arụmọrụ na ihe ndị ọzọ na-enweghị mkparị yana anakọta data sitere n'aka ndị ọrụ, yana ozi sitere na isi mmalite ịntanetị na nyiwe mmekọrịta. Ọnụ, A na-edepụta akara ndị a na Grid ma ọ bụ eserese anyị, nke ị nwere ike iji tụnyere nhọrọ, mezie usoro ịzụrụ ihe, na ngwa ngwa chọpụta nhọrọ kacha mma.

Ọnụ ahịa ahịa

Afọ ojuju

We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Fidenza to Massarosa, na anyị nwere olileanya na ozi anyị ga - enyere gị aka ịhazi njem ụgbọ oloko gị na ime mkpebi amamihe, nwee anụrị


Ekele m aha m bụ Jorge, kemgbe m bụ nwa ọhụrụ a bụ m onye na-eme nchọpụta ka m jiri anya nke m na-enyocha ụwa, M na-akọ akụkọ mara mma, Enwere m ntụkwasị obi na ị hụrụ akụkọ m n'anya, nweere onwe gị iziga m ozi

Ị nwere ike ịbanye ebe a ka ị nweta akụkọ blọgụ gbasara echiche njem gburugburu ụwa

Soro akwụkwọ akụkọ anyị