Air ùrachadh mu dheireadh san t-Sultain 22, 2021
Roinn-seòrsa: A' Ghearmailt, An OlaindUghdar: ROGER JACOBSON
Is e ar faireachdainnean a tha a ’mìneachadh siubhal trèana: ✈️
- Travel information about Bad Bellingen and Helmond
- An t-slighe leis na figearan
- Location of Bad Bellingen city
- High view of Bad Bellingen train Station
- Map of Helmond city
- Sky view of Helmond train Station
- Map of the road between Bad Bellingen and Helmond
- Fiosrachadh coitcheann
- Clèithe

Travel information about Bad Bellingen and Helmond
Rannsaich sinn an eadar-lìn gus na dòighean as fheàrr air siubhal le trèanaichean a lorg eatorra 2 bailtean-mòra, Bad Bellingen, and Helmond and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Bad Bellingen and Helmond station.
Travelling between Bad Bellingen and Helmond is an superb experience, oir tha àiteachan taisbeanaidh agus seallaidhean cuimhneachail anns an dà bhaile-mòr.
An t-slighe leis na figearan
Suim gu h-ìosal | €38.78 |
An t-suim as àirde | €38.78 |
Sàbhalaidhean eadar an ìre as àirde agus an ìre as ìsle de thrèanaichean | 0% |
An àireamh de thrèanaichean san latha | 31 |
An trèana as tràithe | 00:18 |
An trèana as ùire | 23:31 |
Astar | 605 km |
Meadhanach ùine siubhail | From 5h 6m |
Àite a’ falbh | Bad Bellingen |
Àite a’ tighinn | Helmond Station |
Tuairisgeul an sgrìobhainn | Dealanach |
Ri fhaighinn gach latha | ✔️ |
Ìrean | A 'chiad / an dàrna / gnìomhachas |
Bad Bellingen Railway station
Mar an ath cheum, feumaidh tu tiogaid trèana òrdachadh airson do shiubhal, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Bad Bellingen, Helmond station:




Bad Bellingen is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Trip comhairliche
Bad Bellingen is a municipality in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. It is on the border with France to the west. It is in the German landkreis of Lörrach. The closest larger city is Müllheim which is about 10 km gu tuath. Bad Bellingen is mostly known for its thermal bath.
Location of Bad Bellingen city from Google maps
Sky view of Bad Bellingen train Station
Helmond Railway station
and also about Helmond, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Helmond that you travel to.
Helmond is a municipality and a city in the Metropoolregio Eindhoven of the province of North Brabant in the southern Netherlands.
Helmond has many textile companies. The Vlisco factory is located next to the Zuid-Willemsvaart canal which runs through the city.
Map of Helmond city from Google maps
Sky view of Helmond train Station
Map of the travel between Bad Bellingen and Helmond
Tha astar siubhail air trèana 605 km
Currency used in Bad Bellingen is Euro – €

Bills accepted in Helmond are Euro – €

Power that works in Bad Bellingen is 230V
Voltage that works in Helmond is 230V
Grid EducateTravel airson àrd-ùrlaran tiogaidean trèana
Thoir sùil air ar Grid airson na prìomh Làraich-lìn Siubhal Trèana Teicneòlais.
Bidh sinn a’ sgòradh na dùilean stèidhichte air astar, lèirmheasan, sìmplidheachd, coileanaidhean, sgòran agus factaran eile gun chlaonadh agus cuideachd dàta air a chruinneachadh bho luchd-cleachdaidh, a bharrachd air fiosrachadh bho stòran air-loidhne agus àrd-ùrlaran sòisealta. Còmhla, tha na sgòran sin air am mapadh air ar Grid no ar Graf, as urrainn dhut a chleachdadh gus coimeas a dhèanamh eadar na roghainnean, sgioblachadh a 'phròiseas ceannach, agus comharraich gu sgiobalta na roghainnean as fheàrr.
làthaireachd margaidh
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Bad Bellingen to Helmond, agus tha sinn an dòchas gun cuidich am fiosrachadh againn thu le bhith a ’dealbhadh do thuras trèana agus a’ dèanamh cho-dhùnaidhean nas glice, gabh spòrs

Halo is e Roger an t-ainm a th’ orm, A-riamh o bha mi nam leanabh bha mi nam bhruadar latha Bidh mi a’ siubhal an t-saoghail le mo shùilean fhèin, Bidh mi ag innse sgeulachd onarach agus fìor, Tha mi an dòchas gun do chòrd an sgrìobhadh agam ribh, na bi leisg fios a chuir thugam
Faodaidh tu clàradh an seo gus molaidhean fhaighinn mu bheachdan siubhail air feadh na cruinne