Travel Recommendation between Porto to Cagliari

Irakurketa Ordua: 5 minutu

Azken eguneratzea irailean 8, 2021

Kategoria: Italia


Trenaren bidaia definitzen duten emozioak dira gure iritzia: ✈️


  1. Travel information about Porto and Cagliari
  2. Zenbakien arabera bidaiatu
  3. Location of Porto city
  4. High view of Porto Torres train Station
  5. Map of Cagliari city
  6. Sky view of Cagliari Elmas train Station
  7. Map of the road between Porto and Cagliari
  8. Informazio orokorra
  9. Sarea

Travel information about Porto and Cagliari

Lineako Google bidez bilatu genuen tren hauetatik joateko modurik onenak aurkitzeko 2 hiriak, Porto, and Cagliari and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Porto Torres and Cagliari Elmas.

Travelling between Porto and Cagliari is an amazing experience, bi hiriek ikuskizun eta leku gogoangarriak baitituzte.

Zenbakien arabera bidaiatu
Beheko zenbatekoa€17.32
Zenbateko altuena€17.32
Gehieneko eta Gutxieneko trenen Tarifaren arteko aurrezpena0%
Eguneko tren kopurua3
Lehen trena09:55
Azken trena18:33
Distantzia234 km
Bidaiaren denboraren medianaFrom 3h 57m
Irteerako lekuaPorto Torres
Helmuga LekuaCagliari Elmas
Dokumentuaren deskribapenaElektroniko
Egunero eskuragarri✔️

Porto Torres Train station

Hurrengo urrats gisa, bidaiarako txartela trenez eskatu behar duzu, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Porto Torres, Cagliari Elmas:

Save A Train negozioa Herbehereak dago
Virail negozioa Herbeheretan dago
B-Europe negozioa Belgikan dago
bakarrik trena
Tren konpainia bakarra Belgikan dago egoitza

Porto is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have collected from Google

Porto Torres (Sassarese: Posthudorra, Sardinian: Portu Turre) is a comune and a city of the Province of Sassari in north-west of Sardinia, Italia. Founded during the 1st century BC as Colonia Iulia Turris Libisonis, it was the first Roman colony of the entire island. It is situated on the coast at about 25 kilometroak (16 mi) east of Capo del Falcone and in the center of the Gulf of Asinara. The port of Porto Torres is the second biggest seaport of the island, followed by the port of Olbia. The town is very close to the main city of Sassari, where the local university takes office.

Location of Porto city from Google Maps

High view of Porto Torres train Station

Cagliari Elmas Rail station

and additionally about Cagliari, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Cagliari that you travel to.

DescrizioneCagliari è il capoluogo della Sardegna. È nota per il Castello, un quartiere fortificato medievale in collina situato al di sopra del resto della città. Tra le attrazioni architettoniche figura la Cattedrale di Cagliari del XIII secolo. Ospitato in un ex arsenale, il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari espone oggetti in bronzo, ceramiche romane e manufatti dall’età nuragica fino all’era bizantina.

Map of Cagliari city from Google Maps

Sky view of Cagliari Elmas train Station

Map of the road between Porto and Cagliari

Trenez egindako distantzia totala da 234 km

Money used in Porto is Euro – €

Italiako moneta

Currency used in Cagliari is Euro – €

Italiako moneta

Power that works in Porto is 230V

Power that works in Cagliari is 230V

Tren-txartelen webguneetarako EducateTravel Grid

Begiratu Gure Sarea Tren Teknologikoen Bidaiatzeko Plataforma nagusienetarako.

Lehiakideak abiaduraren arabera puntuatzen ditugu, iritziak, puntuazioak, sinpletasuna, emanaldiak eta bestelako faktoreak kalterik gabe eta bezeroen ekarpenak ere bai, baita sareko iturrietako eta webgune sozialetako informazioa ere. Konbinatuta, puntuazio hauek gure jabedun Grid edo Graph-en mapatzen dira, aukerak orekatzeko erabil dezakezuna, erosketa-prozesua hobetu, eta azkar ikusi goiko irtenbideak.

  • gordeatrain
  • virail
  • b-europa
  • bakarrik trena

Merkatuaren Presentzia


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Porto to Cagliari, eta espero dugu gure informazioa zure tren bidaia planifikatzen eta erabaki jakintsuagoak hartzen lagunduko dizula, ondo pasa


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