Northeim-era Lollar arteko bidaia-gomendioa

Irakurketa Ordua: 5 minutu

Azken eguneratzea abuztuan 21, 2021

Kategoria: Alemania


Trenaren bidaia definitzen duten emozioak dira gure iritzia: 🏖


  1. Travel information about Northeim and Lollar
  2. Bidaia xehetasunen arabera
  3. Location of Northeim city
  4. High view of Northeim Han train Station
  5. Map of Lollar city
  6. Sky view of Lollar train Station
  7. Map of the road between Northeim and Lollar
  8. Informazio orokorra
  9. Sarea

Travel information about Northeim and Lollar

Interneten bilatu genuen horien artean trenez bidaiatzeko modurik onena aurkitzeko 2 hiriak, Northeim, and Lollar and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Northeim Han and Lollar station.

Travelling between Northeim and Lollar is an superb experience, bi hiriek ikuskizun eta leku gogoangarriak baitituzte.

Bidaia xehetasunen arabera
Gutxieneko Prezioa20,9 €
Gehieneko Prezioa20,9 €
Goi eta Beheko trenen arteko aldea Prezioa0%
Trenen maiztasuna15
Lehen trena06:48
Azken trena20:48
Distantzia209 km
Bidaiaren batez besteko denbora1h 46mtik aurrera
Irteera GeltokiaNortheim Han
Geltokira iristenLollar Station
Txartel motaTxartel Elektronikoa
Tren Klasea1st/2

Northeim Han Train station

Hurrengo urrats gisa, bidaiarako tren txartela eskatu behar duzu, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Northeim Han, Lollar station:

Save A Train konpainia Herbehereetan dago
Virail konpainia Herbehereetan dago
B-Europe startup-a Belgikan du egoitza
bakarrik trena
Tren konpainia bakarra Belgikan dago egoitza

Northeim is a bustling city to go so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Google

Northeim is a town in Lower Saxony, Alemania, seat of the district of Northeim, rekin, urtean 2011, a population of 29,000. It lies on the German Half-Timbered House Road.

Location of Northeim city from Google Maps

Sky view of Northeim Han train Station

Lollar Railway station

and additionally about Lollar, again we decided to fetch from Tripadvisor as its by far the most relevant and reliable site of information about thing to do to the Lollar that you travel to.

Lollar is a town in the district of Gießen, Hessen, Alemania. It is situated on the river Lahn, 7 km north of Gießen. The biggest production site of Bosch Thermotechnology is located in Lollar.

Map of Lollar city from Google Maps

High view of Lollar train Station

Map of the trip between Northeim to Lollar

Trenez egindako distantzia totala da 209 km

Currency used in Northeim is Euro – €

Alemaniako moneta

Currency used in Lollar is Euro – €

Alemaniako moneta

Power that works in Northeim is 230V

Electricity that works in Lollar is 230V

Tren-txartelen webguneetarako EducateTravel Grid

Begiratu Gure Sarea Tren Teknologikoen Bidaiatzeko Plataforma nagusienetarako.

Abiaduraren arabera puntuatzen ditugu prospektibak, iritziak, emanaldiak, puntuazioak, sinpletasuna eta alborapenik gabeko beste faktore batzuk eta erabiltzaileen datuak ere bildu zituen, baita sareko iturrietatik eta gizarte-plataformetatik jasotako informazioa ere. Elkarrekin, puntuazio hauek gure jabedun Grid edo Graph-en mapatzen dira, aukerak alderatzeko erabil dezakezuna, erosketa prozesua arintzea, eta azkar identifikatu aukera onenak.

Merkatuaren Presentzia


We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Northeim to Lollar, eta espero dugu gure informazioa zure tren bidaia planifikatzen eta erabaki jakintsuagoak hartzen lagunduko dizula, ondo pasa


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