Azken eguneratzea abuztuan 27, 2021
Kategoria: Herbehereak, NorvegiaEgilea: FERNANDO CROSS
Trenaren bidaia definitzen duten emozioak dira gure iritzia: 🌅
- Travel information about Bergen and Oslo
- Bidaia zifren arabera
- Location of Bergen city
- High view of Bergen train Station
- Map of Oslo city
- Sky view of Oslo train Station
- Map of the road between Bergen and Oslo
- Informazio orokorra
- Sarea
Travel information about Bergen and Oslo
Interneten bilatu genuen horien artean trenez bidaiatzeko modurik onena aurkitzeko 2 hiriak, Bergen, and Oslo and we found that the best way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Bergen station and Oslo Central Station.
Travelling between Bergen and Oslo is an superb experience, bi hiriek ikuskizun eta leku gogoangarriak baitituzte.
Bidaia zifren arabera
Oinarria egitea | €39.64 |
Tarifarik altuena | €39.64 |
Gehieneko eta Gutxieneko trenen Tarifaren arteko aurrezpena | 0% |
Eguneko tren kopurua | 18 |
Goizeko trena | 03:28 |
Arratsaldeko trena | 22:35 |
Distantzia | 463 kilometroak (746 km) |
Bidaiaren denbora estandarra | From 9h 8m |
Irteera Lekua | Bergen Station |
Heltzeko Lekua | Oslo Central Station |
Dokumentuaren deskribapena | Mugikorra |
Egunero eskuragarri | ✔️ |
Taldekatzea | Lehena/Bigarrena |
Bergen Railway station
Hurrengo urrats gisa, bidaiarako tren txartela eskatu behar duzu, so here are some good prices to get by train from the stations Bergen station, Oslo Central Station:
Bergen is a awesome place to see so we would like to share with you some data about it that we have gathered from Wikipedia
Bergen is a municipality and a town in the Netherlands, Ipar Holanda probintzian. Its North Sea beaches make it a popular destination for tourists.
Map of Bergen city from Google Maps
Bird’s eye view of Bergen train Station
Oslo Train station
and also about Oslo, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Oslo that you travel to.
Oslo, the capital of Norway, sits on the country’s southern coast at the head of the Oslofjord. It’s known for its green spaces and museums. Many of these are on the Bygdøy Peninsula, including the waterside Norwegian Maritime Museum and the Viking Ship Museum, with Viking ships from the 9th century. The Holmenkollbakken is a ski-jumping hill with panoramic views of the fjord. It also has a ski museum.
Location of Oslo city from Google Maps
High view of Oslo train Station
Map of the road between Bergen and Oslo
Trenez bidaiatzeko distantzia da 463 kilometroak (746 km)
Bills accepted in Bergen are Euro – €
Bills accepted in Oslo are Norwegian Krone – NOK
Power that works in Bergen is 230V
Voltage that works in Oslo is 230V
Tren-txartelen webguneetarako EducateTravel Grid
Begiratu Gure Sarea Tren Teknologikoen Bidaiatzeko Plataforma nagusienetarako.
Sailkapenak puntuazioen arabera puntuatzen ditugu, abiadura, emanaldiak, iritziak, sinpletasuna eta beste faktore batzuk aurreiritzirik gabe eta bezeroen formak ere, baita sareko iturrietako eta webgune sozialetako informazioa ere. Konbinatuta, puntuazio hauek gure jabedun Grid edo Graph-en mapatzen dira, aukerak orekatzeko erabil dezakezuna, erosketa-prozesua hobetu, eta azkar ikusi goiko irtenbideak.
Merkatuaren Presentzia
- gordeatrain
- virail
- b-europa
- bakarrik trena
Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Bergen to Oslo, eta gure informazioak zure tren bidaia planifikatzen eta erabakiak hartzen lagunduko dizula espero dugu, ondo pasa
Kaixo, nire izena Fernando da, Gaztetatik esploratzailea nintzen kontinenteak nire ikuspegi propioarekin ikusten ditut, Istorio liluragarri bat kontatzen dut, Nire istorioa maite duzulakoan nago, aske iezadazu posta elektronikoz
Hemen jar dezakezu informazioa mundu osoko bidaia aukerei buruzko iradokizunak jasotzeko