Bidaia Gomendioa Albano Sant Alessandro artean Badia Polesinera

Irakurketa Ordua: 5 minutu

Azken eguneratzea irailean 28, 2021

Kategoria: Italia


Trenaren bidaia definitzen duten emozioak dira gure iritzia: 🚆


  1. Travel information about Albano Sant Alessandro and Badia Polesine
  2. Zenbakien arabera bidaiatu
  3. Location of Albano Sant Alessandro city
  4. High view of Albano Sant Alessandro station
  5. Map of Badia Polesine city
  6. Sky view of Badia Polesine station
  7. Map of the road between Albano Sant Alessandro and Badia Polesine
  8. Informazio orokorra
  9. Sarea
Albano San Alessandro

Travel information about Albano Sant Alessandro and Badia Polesine

Lineako Google bidez bilatu genuen tren hauetatik joateko modurik onenak aurkitzeko 2 hiriak, Albano San Alessandro, and Badia Polesine and we noticed that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Albano Sant Alessandro station and Badia Polesine station.

Travelling between Albano Sant Alessandro and Badia Polesine is an amazing experience, bi hiriek ikuskizun eta leku gogoangarriak baitituzte.

Zenbakien arabera bidaiatu
Distantzia166 km
Bidaiaren denbora estandarra2 h 1 min
Irteera LekuaAlbano Sant Alessandro Station
Heltzeko LekuaBadia Polesine Station
Dokumentuaren deskribapenaMugikorra
Egunero eskuragarri✔️

Albano Sant Alessandro Railway station

Hurrengo urrats gisa, bidaiarako txartela trenez eskatu behar duzu, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Albano Sant Alessandro station, Badia Polesine station:

Save A Train konpainia Herbehereetan dago
Virail konpainia Herbehereetan dago
B-Europe startup-a Belgikan dago
bakarrik trena
Trenen negozioa bakarrik dago Belgikan

Albano Sant Alessandro is a great city to travel so we would like to share with you some information about it that we have collected from Wikipedia

Albano Sant’Alessandro is a comune in the province of Bergamo, Lombardian, Italia. The coat of arms of Albano Sant’Alessandro shows a silver star on yellow on the left and a golden soldier on red on the right.

Location of Albano Sant Alessandro city from Google Maps

Bird’s eye view of Albano Sant Alessandro station

Badia Polesine Train station

and also about Badia Polesine, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Badia Polesine that you travel to.

Badia Polesine is a comune in the Province of Rovigo in the Italian region Veneto, inguruan kokatua 70 kilometres southwest of Venice and about 25 kilometres west of Rovigo. It is part of the upper Polesine, and is bounded by the Adige river, which separates the communal territory from the province of Padua.

Location of Badia Polesine city from Google Maps

Sky view of Badia Polesine station

Map of the terrain between Albano Sant Alessandro to Badia Polesine

Trenez egindako distantzia totala da 166 km

Money accepted in Albano Sant Alessandro are Euro – €

Italiako moneta

Currency used in Badia Polesine is Euro – €

Italiako moneta

Voltage that works in Albano Sant Alessandro is 230V

Electricity that works in Badia Polesine is 230V

Tren-txarteletarako plataformetarako EducateTravel Grid

Begiratu Gure Sarea Tren Teknologikoen Bidaiatzeko Plataforma nagusienetarako.

Lehiakideak emanaldien arabera puntuatzen ditugu, sinpletasuna, abiadura, iritziak, puntuazioak eta beste faktore batzuk aurreiritzirik gabe eta bezeroen ekarpenak ere bai, baita sareko iturrietako eta webgune sozialetako informazioa ere. Konbinatuta, puntuazio hauek gure jabedun Grid edo Graph-en mapatzen dira, aukerak orekatzeko erabil dezakezuna, erosketa-prozesua hobetu, eta azkar ikusi goiko irtenbideak.

  • gordeatrain
  • virail
  • b-europa
  • bakarrik trena

Merkatuaren Presentzia


Thank you for you reading our recommendation page about traveling and train traveling between Albano Sant Alessandro to Badia Polesine, eta gure informazioak zure tren bidaia planifikatzen eta erabakiak hartzen lagunduko dizula espero dugu, ondo pasa


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