Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar Awst 20, 2021
Categori: Yr EidalAwdur: CLIFTON MAYO
Ein barn ni yw emosiynau sy'n diffinio teithio ar drên: 🌇
- Travel information about Sestri and Lecce
- Teithio yn ôl y niferoedd
- Location of Sestri city
- High view of Sestri Levante train Station
- Map of Lecce city
- Sky view of Lecce train Station
- Map of the road between Sestri and Lecce
- Gwybodaeth gyffredinol
- Grid
Travel information about Sestri and Lecce
Fe aethon ni ati i fynd ar-lein i ddod o hyd i'r ffyrdd gorau absoliwt o fynd ar drenau o'r rhain 2 dinasoedd, Sestri, and Lecce and we saw that the easiest way is to start your train travel is with these stations, Sestri Levante and Lecce station.
Travelling between Sestri and Lecce is an amazing experience, gan fod gan y ddwy ddinas fannau arddangos a golygfeydd cofiadwy.
Teithio yn ôl y niferoedd
Gwneud Sylfaen | €6.19 |
Pris Uchaf | €6.19 |
Arbedion rhwng Pris Trên Uchaf ac Isafswm | 0% |
Nifer y Trenau y dydd | 25 |
Trên bore | 00:05 |
Trên gyda'r hwyr | 23:55 |
Pellter | 1038 km |
Amser Teithio Safonol | O 50m |
Man Gadael | Sestri Levante |
Man Cyrraedd | Lecce Station |
Disgrifiad o'r ddogfen | Symudol |
Ar gael bob dydd | ✔️ |
Grwpio | Cyntaf/Ail |
Sestri Levante Railway station
Fel y cam nesaf, rhaid i chi archebu tocyn ar gyfer eich taith ar y trên, so here are some best prices to get by train from the stations Sestri Levante, Lecce station:
1. Saveatrain.com
2. Virail.com
3. B-europe.com
4. Onlytrain.com
Sestri is a lovely place to visit so we would like to share with you some facts about it that we have gathered from Wicipedia
DescrizioneSestri Levante è un comune italiano di 17 970 abitanti della città metropolitana di Genova in Liguria. Per la sua conformazione geografica viene definita localmente come la “città dei due mari” o la “bi-mare”, essendo il centro storico sestrese affacciato sulle due baie “delle Favole” e “del Silenzio”.
Location of Sestri city from Mapiau Gwgl
Sky view of Sestri Levante train Station
Lecce Train station
and also about Lecce, again we decided to bring from Google as its probably the most accurate and reliable source of information about thing to do to the Lecce that you travel to.
DescrizioneLecce è una città della Puglia nota per gli edifici in stile barocco. Nella centrale piazza del Duomo, si trova la Cattedrale di Lecce con una doppia facciata e un campanile. La Basilica di Santa Croce è caratterizzata da sculture e un rosone. Nelle vicinanze si trovano la Colonna di Sant’Oronzo, di epoca romana, che sulla sommità ospita la statua di bronzo del patrono della città, e l’anfiteatro romano, sotto il livello stradale.
Map of Lecce city from Mapiau Gwgl
High view of Lecce train Station
Map of the trip between Sestri to Lecce
Cyfanswm y pellter ar y trên yw 1038 km
Currency used in Sestri is Euro – €
Money used in Lecce is Euro – €
Voltage that works in Sestri is 230V
Electricity that works in Lecce is 230V
Grid EducateTravel ar gyfer Gwefannau Tocynnau Trên
Edrychwch ar Ein Grid am y Gwefannau Teithio Trên Technoleg gorau.
Rydym yn sgorio'r saflewyr yn seiliedig ar adolygiadau, perfformiadau, symlrwydd, cyflymder, sgorau a ffactorau eraill heb ragfarn a hefyd ffurflenni gan gleientiaid, yn ogystal â gwybodaeth o ffynonellau ar-lein a gwefannau cymdeithasol. Cyfunol, mae'r sgorau hyn wedi'u mapio ar ein Grid neu Graff perchnogol, y gallwch ei ddefnyddio i gydbwyso'r opsiynau, gwella'r broses brynu, a gweld yr atebion gorau yn gyflym.
Presenoldeb Marchnad
- arbedatrain
- firail
- b-ewrop
- dim ond hyfforddi
We appreciate you reading our recommendation page about travelling and train travelling between Sestri to Lecce, a gobeithiwn y bydd ein gwybodaeth yn eich helpu i gynllunio'ch taith trên a gwneud penderfyniadau doethach, Cael hwyl
Cyfarchion fy enw i yw Clifton, Byth ers pan oeddwn i'n fabi roeddwn i'n freuddwydiwr rydw i'n archwilio'r byd gyda fy llygaid fy hun, Dw i'n dweud stori hyfryd, Gobeithio eich bod wedi hoffi fy safbwynt, croeso i chi anfon neges ataf
Gallwch roi gwybodaeth yma i dderbyn awgrymiadau am opsiynau teithio ledled y byd